Larry Lindor elected County Board Chair
News | Published on January 13, 2025 at 11:43am CST

By Kris Goracke
At the regular Pope County Commissioner’s meeting on Tuesday, January 7, Larry Lindor was elected as Board Chair for 2025, with Paul Wildman chosen as Vice-Chair. The board addressed organizational matters and first-year items, with commissioners maintaining their 2024 assignments. Additionally, the Pope County Tribune and Times was designated the official paper, and Stephanie Rust was authorized to continue working with all Pope County banks.
The board approved Horizon Health’s request for additional 2025 Tobacco Retail Licenses, granting them to Glenwood Fleet Supply, Heidi’s Bar in Sedan, and the Lariat Bar and Grill in Cyrus.
County Engineer Brian Giese proposed replacing the existing 2015 CAT 12M3 AWD motor grader, stating, “We are seeking approval to purchase a new motor grader and associated equipment to replace the existing 2015 CAT 12M3 AWD.” He explained that the replacement was included in the equipment replacement plans and the 2025 budget. Two equipment quotes were considered: A John Deere 672G from RDO Equipment Co. at $464,461.82 and a CAT 140 from Ziegler CAT at $466,315.00. Giese noted the operator’s preference, emphasizing, “The operator’s preference is the CAT 140.” He further detailed the financial plan: “Our intent, if the purchase is approved, is to sell the existing CAT 12M3 directly to Holmes City Township for $125,000, resulting in a net cost of approximately $341,315 for the CAT 140.” The board ultimately approved purchasing the CAT 140 and selling the county’s existing motor grader.
Giese also reported on the highway department’s focus on snow and ice control and equipment maintenance and discussed needs such as a new pressure washer and carbon monoxide detectors. He suggested further discussion during the facilities meeting.
Auditor/Treasurer Stephanie Rust presented a tax abatement for a property affected by a house fire on October 4. The abatement was prorated at $400.50 for 2024, with a decreased value for 2025 reflecting the loss of the house and garage.
In committee reports, most commissioners noted limited activity due to the holiday season. However, Commissioner Gordy Wagner reported that Lakeland Mental Health is seeking a new location. The board collectively emphasized the importance of retaining Lakeland Mental Health in Glenwood to ensure continued access to mental health services.
The Pope County Commissioners meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month.