Questions about safety concerns on new ‘overpass’ on Hwy. 29

From Steve Nestor, Glenwood (former bridge construction supt.) 

Dear MnDOT design and safety engineer,

After driving over the recently completed “Mount Wagner Bridge” on Highway 29 north of Glenwood, I must ask:

Where are the guard rails on either side of the bridge? Why are there just the short off ramp rails? 

Coming from the north this winter will certainly become a major safety concern, a potential catastrophe!  Coming from the south not much better.

Why are there several, many cable guard rails, as you drive south out of Glenwood on Highway 104 at every ravine and none on the slopes at the new bridge?  

Bridge decks are the first to freeze over and off ramps are not much better. This is a combination for disaster.

Cable guard rails must be installed or this will be known as “memorial bridge.”