Where was the coverage?

From Rhonda Johnson,


Hats off to Jeff Iverson for bringing the joy of musical theater to our community! As I sat in the audience watching this talented group of Minnewaska students perform their hearts out for a fully packed auditorium, I was buoyed by the fact that here was something our community supported after all the negativity of the past year focused on politics. But now I have to shake my head in sadness that the Nov. 18 Pope County Tribune felt it needed to devote full color photos and an entire back page of photos to the Veterans Day program, not to mention all the colored sports and hunting pictures and articles while there were only three poorly done black and white photos of Seussical the Musical with just three short captions on page 4B of the Sports Section!

Don’t get me wrong. I honor Veterans Day and everything it stands for. I love seeing pictures and articles about all the sporting events. But I can’t help but wonder why the hard work and dedication of students who put in countless hours of practice and rehearsal barely received the recognition it so richly deserved? Well, I for one want to say to everyone involved in Seussical the Musical that you were truly a delight and I hope that in the future musical performances will be given equal recognition in the pages of this newspaper!

Editor’s Note:  This newspaper ran nearly a full-page of color photos of students in Seussical the Musical in the Nov. 11 issue.  The goal was to  promote the musical, not just cover it.

Extremely poor losers…

From Inga Mae B. Urke,


I have been appalled at the accusations, spiteful letters to editor, and hatred directed at Donald Trump since the election outcome!   

I have never seen such poor losers!  How can they possibly deny and refuse to admit all the good things Trump did for our country during his four years as president?  I have repeatedly thanked God for sparing his life in that assassination attempt and thanked God that he won this last election.  I will NEVER understand how these duped people can be so defensive of allowing to stay here those millions of illegal aliens.    Have they NO compassion for the loved ones of all their victims and keep demanding that they be allowed to keep streaming in here and want nobody to be sent back?   Equally bad is their demand that abortion continue of perfectly healthy babies during pregnancy.      

Trump has made some excellent choices for his cabinet but they are violently opposed to even that!  When I know the extreme debt our country is in and keep hearing reports of the extreme waste of government funds for absolute foolishness I have NO doubt that we need someone in control who  will stop some of that  craziness!   They also seem to ignore the Bible  promise that those who curse Israel will be cursed and those who bless Israel will be blessed.  Isn’t America supposed to be a Christian nation?  What  happened??  Are any of these seemingly hateful people  praying for our country and will they ever say a prayer for Trump when he takes over?   THAT is what is going to be necessary –  not lies and more hatred!  Wake up, people!