Image courtesy of Studio e Architects

2018 Glenwood Complete Streets project

The Minnesota Department of Transportation, Pope County and the city of Glenwood are partnering on a resurfacing and reconstruction project on Highways 28, 29 and 104 in Glenwood this summer.  The project will address pavement concerns, pedestrian accessibility (ADA) requirements, traffic flow, utility needs and boulevard improvements.

Portions of Glenwood will be under construction from early spring through the summer. Be safe when traveling through a work zone. Follow these safe driving tips:

• For your safety, and ours, expect work zones to change.

• There can be closures or lane shift changes on a daily basis.

• Stay off your cell phone and other mobile devices.

• Stay alert, especially when driving at night.

• Be patient and expect delays.

• Watch for workers and construction vehicles.

• Never enter an area that has been blocked by cones or a barricade.


Open for Business 

Glenwood businesses will remain open during construction. Access will be maintained to local businesses and residences, follow the directional signs.

Detour routes will change during construction. View the project website to see the current construction schedule and detour route during your visit.

Visit the project website to learn more.


Project Benefits 

When completed, this project will provide:

• A smoother road surface

• Improved pedestrian accessibilityincluding upgraded curb ramps and sidewalks

• Water, sewer, storm sewer and lighting upgrades

• Flood mitigation on Highway 28 near the Pope County Fairgrounds


Project Contacts

Tom Pace | MnDOT Project Manager | 218-846-3627

Brad Cegla | MnDOT Construction Project Manager | 320-208-7007

To sign up to receive project updates by email, visit the project website at