Starbuck Glimpses in the Past
News | Published on April 25, 2022 at 12:51pm CDT
From May 3, 1912
Aage Peterson started for Norway Monday. He left New York May 4 on the Olympic. On the same boat, would also go Peter Berg and wife, T.H. Thompson and Ove Overson.
The Stromseth family finished packing their car the first part of the week and got off to Willmar, where they would make their home.
Julia Hippe was head nurse in the United States Hospital at Rugby, N.D., with a salary of $60 a month. Miss Hippe had been in training for three years at the St. Paul Lutheran hospital.
The foundation for the new home of Dr. C.R. Christenson had been laid.
Many of the youngsters here had become swellheads lately. There was a reason – Mumps!
From April 28, 1922
The generous and public spirited offer of Mr. W.C. Markland to permit the use of the tile factory grounds on the lake shore for tourist camping grounds was accepted at a meeting of the Boosters Club when they held their regular monthly banquet at the Minnewaska Hotel. Mr. Ed. Olson was appointed to have general charge of equipping and supervising the committee, who were Ole Olson, Johnnie Overson, Wm. Peterson and Elmer Byhre.
The Magnus Grondahl Post of the Legion placed a tentative order for a large radio receiving outfit from the General Electric Co. It would be erected in the town hall, where it could be heard in any part of the hall.
Rawland Grove was teaching school in Dist. 94. He was rooming at Carl Nelson’s.
From April 28, 1932
Ole Ophaug, who had been employed at the Peterson Motor sales garage had rented the former Samuelson garage on highway 28 across from the ball park, and would open a repair shop.
George W. Thacker, pioneer resident of Reno township and Glenwood, and a veteran of the Civil War, died at his home in Glenwood.
From April 30, 1942
Mrs. Arthur Moses, daughter of Pete Heegard of Starbuck, received a telegram from her husband stating, “All well, needs provided, treated well.” Mr. Moses, with four other missionaries, were being held prisoners in Japanese occupied territory.
Harold Johnshoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Johnshoy, enlisted in the Marines in March and left Friday night for San Diego, California.
Don’t be too positive in your opinions. It is highly embarrassing to recross a stream after you have burned your bridges.
Harris Tessem was employed at the creamery in Cyrus, taking the place of Erwin Gunvaldson, who left last week for Fort Snelling.
From April 24, 1952
The following piano pupils of Mrs. George Knutson took part in the State Contest of Minnesota Music Teachers Association at the University on Saturday: Muriel Barsness, Sylvia Opdahl, Janyce Helgeson, Sonia Smedstad, Patricia Klevann, Mary Smedstad, Andrew Thzorstad and Linda Knutson.
The following story was clipped from the Swift County Monitor, on Clarine Lundebrek, 20-year-old Benson High School graduate, and appeared in George Grim’s column in the Wednesday Minneapolis morning Tribune. Clarine won the first nursing scholarship established by the Swift County-Benson Hospital Auxiliary last year, and was now a student nurse at Ancker Hospital in St. Paul. One of 16 children, she was the daughter of Mrs. Clara Lundebrek of Langhei Township.
From April 26, 1962
The Starbuck Creamery was burglarized on and $374 was taken. The burglars were scared away when the L.O.L. bulk milk truck from Alexandria pulled in for the regular pick-up. A suspect, David Steen, was later picked up.
Mary Jane, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albin Olson was rushed to the St. Cloud Hospital after she had been bitten in the eye by a dog while playing outdoors.
Stanley Willhite, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Willhite of rural Cyrus suffered the loss of his left arm, up to his shoulder, and a broken right arm, as well as bad skin burns and other bruises when his clothing accidentally got entangled in the power take-off on their tractor while helping his father pick corn. He was rushed to the Minnewaska Hospital, where he would remain for some time.
Jim’s Bait Shop, owned by Mr. and Mrs. James Pederson, opened last week. They would carry a complete line of sporting goods.
From April 27, 1972
Inga Lorvig had worked at the Times on and off over the past fifty years and was currently the Times reporter for local news, working from her home.
Wesley Klaahsen, Hoffman, a professionally trained dairy farm equipment specialist, had joined dealer Vernon Pederson of Starbuck.
The senior class of Starbuck High School left last Sunday for Washington, D.C.
Linda Andert, 17-year-old daughter of Harold Andert, won 27 awards out of 27 snowmobile races she entered.
From May 5, 1982
The city of Starbuck began the search for a new police officer to replace Robert Schmidt, who resigned to accept a position with the police department of Lake City.
Dean Hanson of New London was presented with a silver bowl for outstanding community service by the Jaycees in New London. Hanson, a native of Starbuck, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hanson, was the only Harmon Glass employee in the nation to receive the annual award.
From April 29, 1992
Geri McIver of Lowry was the champion speller in the Second Annual Pope County Senior Citizens Spelling Bee held last week. Second place went to Hannah Sanders of Glenwood.
Kim Swensrud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orlin Swensrud, had joined KDLT’s Production Department as a director. Swensrud was a native of Starbuck and was a graduate of Austin Technical College in Austin, Minnesota.
From April 24, 2002
The first two games scheduled as the Laker softball team’s home opener were both postponed because of snow on the field and then a soggy field. The third game, to be the home opener, was called off for showers. The Lakers won three straight away games before finally having a home opener, but lost to Willmar 9-5.
The Minnewaska Lutheran Home hosted over 100 community volunteers at a luncheon in recognition of the devoted service and great spirit of volunteerism given by those individuals.
The ice was officially off Lake Minnewaska on April 16, just two days after the average.
From May 2, 2012
The Starbuck Horizon III group was sponsoring the Semi-Annual Community “Clothing Swap” on May 11 and 12 at the Minnewaska Lutheran Home Commons.
The city of Starbuck was awarded $84,000.00 to assist commercial owners in the targeted area in making eligible repairs. Eligible improvements were exterior appearance, structural deficiencies, energy improvements, health and safety.