Week of the Young Child
News | Published on April 18, 2022 at 1:04pm CDT

The Glenwood Public Library held a reading of a new book in celebration of Week of the Young Child, “Let’s Go – Ten Adventures Through West Central Minnesota,” by Sheri Booms Holm with illustrations by Megan Hagel. The Viking Library System was one of many sponsors of the book, spearheaded by West Central Initiative. Early Childhood/THRIVE members are sharing the books with preschool children, one per family while supplies last. West Central Initiative Board Member, John Dahlseng, was on hand to talk about the history behind the book and add to the conversation during the reading.
West Central Initiative invites you to explore West Central Minnesota through the illustrated travel book full of fun destinations, family outing ideas, parks, playgrounds, festivals and more! For Pope County, the Dragon Boat Race in Starbuck on Lake Minnewaska is the featured activity. Also included in the pages of the book is a description of the featured adventure and activity along with a map of Minnesota following the trail through the 9-county region and White Earth Nation that WCI serves.
An excerpt from the book regarding Lake Minnewaska reads, “Let’s spend a day out in a boat. On Lake Minnewaska, we’ll paddle and float. We will watch the different boats go past, some go by slow and some really fast. Over in Starbuck if you keep a sharp eye, you may even see a dragon go by!”
Visit our photo gallery to see more photos from the Week of the Young child!