Baccalaureate 2022
News | Published on May 23, 2022 at 12:24pm CDT

Minnewaska Area High School Baccalaureate was held last week at the MAHS auditorium. Seniors and their families and friends attended the non-denominational service and were entertained by a presentation and message from MAHS teacher, Mike Troen. Paster Kelly Mahoney from Hope Community Church and senior class President, Alec Larson, welcomed the audience to the service. The senior class officers each read a scripture. Pastor Yolanda Williams from Glenwood United Parish gave the sermon and Alec Larson provided special music with the song “Go Now in Peace.” Paster Andy League from Lowry Community Covenant Church gave the prayer and benediction.
“May the strength of God pilot us; May the wisdom of God instruct us; May the have of God protect us; May the word of good direct us. Be always ours this day and for evermore.”
~Saint Patrick