DNR Forester visits Glenwood’s Barsness Park
News | Published on May 9, 2022 at 1:31pm CDT

At the request of the Barsness Buckthorn Brigade volunteers, Kelly Berger, a forester from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, visited Glenwood on Tuesday, March 3. She met with volunteers, Glenwood City staff and Pope County workers involved with the management of invasive species. The group walked several of the trails where volunteers have done extensive hand work to help control the invasion of buckthorn; areas in the park where the goats “worked” last summer; and areas where a forest mulcher was used to clear several acres of dense buckthorn.
Forester Berger viewed the work as needed and in the best interest for wildlife habitat and forest restoration. The group observed many fallen trees from past windstorms, as well as large berry producing buckthorn trees which had been cut down as part of the control project. Areas near the trails will be partially cleared. Forester Berger discussed plants that could be used for restoring the areas, but recommended waiting several years until the buckthorn is under control. She toured buckthorn infested areas adjacent to the south side of the park which borders Memorial Drive and met with several homeowners bordering the park property. Her tour also included stops at the prairie area north of Park Road.
After the tour, the Barsness Buckthorn Brigade hosted a public meeting. Private land owners, volunteers and “friends of Barsness Park” attended this informational meeting. Forester Berger provided educational materials and explained the MN DNR cost-sharing grant process which helps private land owners in managing buckthorn. There was a lengthy question and answer session. Several attendees expressed appreciation for the work done by the Barsness Buckthorn Brigade workers, and four new volunteers were recruited.
Those who would like to volunteer, please call the City of Glenwood, 320-634-5433. Volunteer names and contact information will be given to the Barsness Buckthorn Brigade.