The winds have finally given the Lakers a break on the trap field, and week 3 competition is in the books. 

“I knew they would do great once the weather gave us a break, and they did not disappoint!” stated coach Jennie Stone.  “Over half the team had an average above 20 and we had three 25 straights. We have the talent to make that the norm!”

With only two competitions left, the team is currently in fifth place, but could really make up some ground if they continue shooting well. 

Carding perfect scores of 25×25 were Luke Hoffmann, August Reichmann and brother  Mason Reichmann. Eli Rust, Miles Wildman, and Dylan VanZee added to the good day, each crushing 24 x 25’s, to help the team to its average of just under 20 overall.  

Top gun was August Reichmann, with 48 x 50, and most improved shooter was Tabbi Durand.  

“If the weather stays with us, there is no reason we can’t move up two or three spots. I know they can do it!” 

The team competes on Mother’s Day, with the final competition coming on Sunday, May 15.  They will then begin practicing for the state tourney, which will be on June 15, in Alexandria.