GFWC Potpourri Glenwood’s sponsored Earth Day Event April 22, Central Square
News | Published on May 2, 2022 at 2:02pm CDT
Talks, tools and bags informed attendees that trees have language and that there are gallant efforts in Barsness park to eradicate buckthorn. Laura Adrian spoke passionately about how trees connect to one another and their value for oxygen and protection. “Conscious Connection to Nature for Healing and Transformation” was her topic. Joann Boyle spoke about the volunteer efforts in Barsness park by volunteers using hand tools, machinery, goats and a new black bag approach. The addition of goats feeding in the park has been exciting but the goats need to continue for a number of years along with the volunteers. She reminded us that this community gem, which is only funded by the city and donations, needs help for five years at a cost of $200,000!
President Sharon welcomed attendees and stated that the club’s first Earth Day celebration was in Barsness Park last year with presentations about saving the earth, water and air. A red rose bush, honoring the organization’s flower, was planted June 2021 in Barsness park. President Sharon again wore a rose wreath, reminding attendees it honors Federation Day. A rousing ending song sung and played by Deb Dahlseng with Sharon Larson directing led the attendees in singing, “This Land is For You and Me.” Green tote bags stating “Be Kind to our Earth,” were handed out by the Be Kind group.
GFWC is a large nation-wide organization working to improve the lives of those in communities, which includes environment and conservation efforts. Check out activities of the two area clubs on the county Facebook site: General Federation of Women’s Clubs – Pope County.
Article submitted by Darlene Femrite