On MAS Day of Caring, 100 5th graders were split into three groups and rotated between activities that included tree planting, a teacher led activity and a BeKind presentation. Seventh graders joined the 5th graders in the rotation and were very helpful with the planting and other activities.

Fifty burr oak seedlings were planted behind the MAHS near the tennis courts. Thank you to MAS Science Teacher, Wade Amundson, for coordinating the planting with BeKind member Ivan Fossen and to the many who lent their shovels and buckets for the project. Approval for using some of mulch from the City of Glenwood Barsness Park stock pile was also appreciated. Thanks again for the donation of seedlings from the Pope County Soil & Water Conservation District.

Included in the BeKind presentation was a showing of the video, One Earth – https://youtu.be/QQYgCxu988s. BeKind Readers Theater members then recited, “What is a Tree?” written by Sue Anderson. Margaret Pederson told a story of kindness and encouraged students to always be aware and look around for those who look lonely, sad or in need of help and reach out to them. She then led the cheer, “Be Kind, Just Try It, I Will!”

The same presentation and activities were shared with Glacial Hills Elementary 5th grade and 6th grade students.

MAS Day of Caring was a way for BeKind members to celebrate our partnership with MAIS and GHES 5th graders over this past year. Thank you to MAIS Principal, Sarah Suchy, fifth grade teachers, MAS Social Worker, Mary Walsh, Middle School Counselor, Hannah Meagher and the MAS Mental Health Team along with GHES Director Jodee Lund and Counselor Britt Rose for all their support.

Many thanks to Justin Zavadil of American Solutions for Business for the wonderful BeKind donation of “Be Kind to Our Earth” recyclable bags. Hundreds have already been given away.

Our partnerships began with the book, “Maybe–You are the only you there ever has been or ever will be. You are unique. Just the odds of you being here at this exact place and this exact time are so great and so rare that they will never happen again. This is a story for everything you will do and everything you could be. It’s for who you are right now, and it’s for all the magical, unbounded potential you hold inside.” — from book cover. Together, we all learned more about our potential!

Grow Kindness garden signs, marigold seeds and the special recyclable bags are available by calling 634-3909.