Westport Bank sold!

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, May 4, 1922.

We urge every progressive voter, both men and women, to meet at the City Hall in Glenwood at 2 p.m. on Saturday. Party affiliation or political beliefs will not bar anyone from this meeting as the meeting has been called by men of all parties who are meeting with one purpose in mind and that is to secure better laws through a selected servant of the people. 

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, May 4, 1922.

A large number of people visited Glenwood last Saturday. The day had been advertised by the merchants of the city as a community day with special prices on goods and many from the surrounding country and villages took the opportunity to be here. A large number of special attractions were also pulled off in the line of athletic and other events, including a slow Ford race and tug of war. 

The Westport bank was sold last Saturday. The buyers were George Hanscom of Osakis and J. J. Ponsford of Minneapolis. This is the same firm that owns the Sedan bank. Mr. Hales, who has been the cashier of this bank has resigned and has as yet not decided what he will do. B. Hohman of Watertown is the new cashier of the bank. 

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, May 5, 1922. 

Play Ball!! When you hear the umpire shout those words next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, the greatest baseball season Starbuck has ever seen will be on. Fences have been put up, seats provided and the diamond is in good shape for the opening game against Chokio. 

A week from Sunday the boys will take on Hoffman, and on Sunday, May 21, they will play one of the most interesting games of the season on the home grounds with the Colored Gophers of Minneapolis. This team is said to be one of the snappiest teams in the cities. 

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From the Cyrus Citizen Friday, May 5, 1922. 

One of the outstanding events of the final term of high school days is the Junior-Senior banquet. The participants look forward to this event with eager anticipation. It is the Juniors paying their respects to the departing Seniors. Although the event is carried out with a certain amount of gaiety, underneath there is a strain of sadness. For it is the parting of friends and the passing of their happy school days. It is the event that will long be remembered in their future life.