Contributed by Showstoppers board member Mavis Pattee

Holy moly, there’s a lot going on at Showstoppers! Decision made. The 2022 show will be “Bye Bye Birdie.” The story was inspired by the phenomenal singer Elvis Presley being drafted into the Army. Watch for more information about the plot of this show in upcoming articles. We are excited to be back in the swing of things and working toward a Waterama week production.

Oliver Rivera will be the production director. Sue Morton has agreed to assist as music director, with Mike Odello leading the pit orchestra. We feel very fortunate that Sue Fossen will be taking on the role of artistic director. As I write this, I am listening to the “Bye Bye Birdie” soundtrack. Fun music, which includes the popular song “Put on a Happy Face.” It takes quite a team to put on a musical production. There are big parts, little parts, performing parts and nonperforming parts. In addition to actors, we will be looking for assistance with set building, lights, sound, makeup and costumes. We can find a part or involvement level that fits your desires or skill set. Auditions will be held in the Minnewaska Area High School choir room from 6:30 – 8 p.m. on May 25 and 26 and from 10-11:30 a.m. on May 28. Mark your calendars!

We express our appreciation to Doug Dobson for his contributions to the board these past years. As Doug leaves us, a board position opens. Please contact any Showstoppers board member or come to the next board meeting if you are interested in considering this opportunity. Other things in the works include the review of scholarship applications for the award of the annual Showstoppers scholarship and exploring the possibility of implementing an online ticketing system for the next production.

See what I mean? Lots going on. Our next regularly scheduled meeting is at 6 p.m. on May 19 at Lakeside Ballroom, Glenwood. We encourage you to join us if you’d like to learn more about Showstoppers or explore the open board opportunity.