West Central District GFWC in Litchfield
News | Published on May 2, 2022 at 2:04pm CDT

Local club members from GFWC Starbuck and GFWC Potpourri Glenwood traveled to Litchfield, Saturday, April 23, for the annual district convention led by West Central District President Vurnie Wilson, Sauk Centre. The event included hearing from Minnesota President Jennell Jorgenson-Johnson, additional speakers and election of district officers. General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) has five Minnesota districts with 33 clubs.
Newly elected West Central District President Bonnie Nelson, Sauk Centre Club Gradatim, will lead the district for the next two years. The elected or appointed positions to assist her are Mary Newcomb, vice president; Shari Gamradt, secretary; Pam Mithun, treasurer; and Vicki Aaberg, historian. Note that there are three area women in the group: Mona, Starbuck; Mary, Glenwood; and Vicki, Starbuck!
“A Bowl of Kindness” was the theme presented by Dassel potter Jenna Levandowiski. She informed the group about the “Empty Bowl” program, an effort to help feed those in need. Attendees were each given her potted bowls to remind us of community food needs and volunteerism. The tables’ center pieces, large bowls filled with packaged foods for the Litchfield food shelf, supported the theme. Empowering Woman, Pat Lepper, GFWC Potpourri, and Deb Thompson, GFWC Starbuck, received recognition virtually last year and in person this year. Mona Gregersen was introduced as a regional Jennie Award (highest personal award given) winner from eight states by Lorie Billehus, GFWC Starbuck Club President. The district is proud that three members have received Minnesota Jennie awards over time: Sue Lemmer, Litchfield; Sharon Larson, Glenwood; and Mona, Starbuck. An art and craft contest awarded Lorie Billehus a blue ribbon for her quilted table runner.
GFWC strives, by their volunteerism and financial support, to improve lives in their communities. The organization offers service, enrichment and friendship to members. See GFWC MN website, www.gfwcofmn.org, for more information. Also check the local clubs’ Facebook, General Federation of Women’s Clubs – Pope County.
Article submitted by Darlene Femrite