Glacial Ridge Hospice’s 26th ‘Riding For a Cause’ was hot
News | Published on June 27, 2022 at 12:57pm CDT

This year’s “Riding For a Cause” Motorcycle Ride & Car Run was a hot one! Tina Blair, Glacial Ridge Hospice Manager, said, “We are blessed to have wonderful community members that come out year after year to support this great cause.” On behalf of the ride committee and Glacial Ridge Hospice staff, Blair thanks everyone including all motorcycle and car participants, that were involved in the 26th annual event.
The event included commemorative t-shirts and bandanas, lunch in the park, the ride and car run, a chance at raffles and door prizes, and a night ride around Lake Minnewaska.
It is truly a team effort to make it all happen. The Hospice Ride Committee recognizes and thanks Pope County Sheriff’s Posse, Glenwood and Sedan Fire Departments, the Glenwood and Starbuck Police Departments, and Pope County Sheriff’s Office for stopping traffic at intersections to keep the ride safe for all. Additionally, they greatly appreciate Brink’s in Swift Falls for the water stop and opportunity to stretch their legs, monetary donations to hospice from area businesses and organizations, and all event sponsors. The committee also thanks their corporate sponsor, Marthaler Chevrolet, for their annual contribution to this meaningful cause.
Those donations make a HUGE difference to Glacial Ridge Hospice patients and their families. “100% of the proceeds raised by the Hospice Ride [their biggest fundraiser] go directly to enhance care for our hospice and palliative care patients,” Blair stated. In addition, Glacial Ridge Hospice provides bereavement care/grief support, and they work to increase community awareness of available hospice and palliative services.
Donations still being accepted
To contribute funds to Glacial Ridge Hospice, you may send a check to Glacial Ridge Hospice, 10 Fourth Ave SE, Glenwood, MN 56334. Every dollar makes a difference. Glacial Ridge Hospice staff thanks you for your continued support.
If you couldn’t participate in the ride this year and want to go for a ride or drive, here’s the route that winds through the rolling hills of Pope County and along our beautiful lakes.
Departing from Glenwood City Park after lunch, the Hospice Ride and Car Run route traveled East on Highway 28 to County Road 22 and South on County Road 29 to Sedan. From Sedan, the riders continued South on County Road 29, then Southwest on County Road 8. They drove West for a short time on State Hwy 9 before turning North on Swift County Road 31 to Swift Falls. After the rest point at Brink’s in Swift Falls, the riders traveled North on Pope County Road 19, then West on County Road 10, following County Road 2 to the intersection of County Road 1. Traveling North on County Road 1 to County Road 14, they turned East on County Road 18 along the South side of Lake Minnewaska, returning to City Park on South Lakeshore Drive.