High winds wreck havoc to docks, lifts
News | Published on June 27, 2022 at 12:45pm CDT

Another storm with very high winds hit the area last week. High winds and waves, along with a high water level in Lake Minnewaska, contributed to a number of boat lifts and docks damaged. Here, a boat lift was upside down and twisted around an up-ended dock located on the west side of Lake Minnewaska. The storm that moved through last weekend didn’t drop much rain on the area, so lake levels weren’t affected. Lake level at Minnewaska even dropped a few inches over the week. Last Thursday, the water going over the outlet dam in Starbuck was measured at 17 and a half inches. Just a week ago, the water was over the dam by just over 20 inches. Warm sunny days caused evaporation, which brings the level down slowly.