By Melanie Stegner, 

The Minnewaska Area Schools board discussed the service contract with Spark27 Creative, the company in charge of the school’s branding. A proposal was presented at the June 8 work session that included options to host and maintain the website and another that adds in digital communication activities. It was decided to table any decisions until the next meeting.

Several positions were filled for the 22-23 school year including a full coaching staff. Nick Gugisberg was recommended by the personnel committee for the Industrial Tech teaching position. Amber Gremmels was hired as a 7-12 science teacher. Donna Schafer, paraprofessional with the school, submitted her retirement effective May 27, 2022. Mike Troen requested a one year leave of absence but has agreed to come in for one class so the school can continue to offer college chemistry.

The board approved action for revising the FY2022 budget and considered approval of the FY2023 budget. Several factors were considered in the budget deficits including the usage of COVID money, the hiring of new staff and new available positions. For FY2023, the revenue budget is conservatively budgeted at $24,151,397 and estimated expenditures are $24,195.783. “Budgeting has been difficult the last two years with the pandemic,” said Superintendent Rankin. “Food service is especially unpredictable since we’ve had so much funding for the various programs.”

The board approved the list of advisors and coaches for the 22-23 school year and voted to remain members of the Minnesota Rural Education Association, Minnesota School Boards Association and Lakes Country Service Cooperative.

Quotes for snow removal and softener salt for FY2023 are being called for submission. 

The next board meeting will take place on July 18, 2022.