From July 5, 1912

William Taft again headed the Republican ticket for U.S. President and Woodrow Wilson was the candidate for the Democratic Party.

Borghild Dahle, Bertha Metlie, Miss Stadsvold, Ann Horjem, Ruth Stenson, Olga Nordstrom, Myrtle Olson and Emma Brantsag spent Sunday recess of summer school Starbuck.

Arthur Johnson had a sore foot on account of getting a sliver into it.

Fifty dollars ($50) reward for information leading to the conviction of the parties who defaced the fresh concrete walk in front of the Farmers’ Store. C.C. Heegard.


From June 30, 1922

The giving of the Cantata, “Rolling Seasons” at the Indherred church drew an audience that packed the church last Sunday evening. The choir was under the direction of Pastor Forde. The solo parts were taken by Miss Agnes Forde, Rev. G.O. Forde, Miss Selma Ranum and Mr. Art Hanson of Benson. Mr. Hanson also played a violin and Mr. Ralph Forde, a clarinet. Mrs. N. Forde played the accompaniment.

Confirmation services were held in Immanuel Sunday, a class of three being confirmed namely Peter Barsness, Sophie Vorlan and Esther Ronnie.


From July 7, 1932

It costs three cents to mail a letter first class now. Postmaster B.H. Holte says the new postal rates went into effect Wednesday.

Military funeral services were conducted for William Arnold Byhre, 37, son of Mrs. Mary Byhre, at the Fron church, Rev. M.C. Johnshoy officiating.

Kensington Creamery destroyed by fire at 6:30 o’clock Thursday evening. It was expected that they will rebuild soon.


From July 9, 1942

The Starbuck Oil Co. turned in a check for $2.00 payable to the Red Cross for 510 lbs. of old license plates collected by them and sold.

Charles L. Coy, managing editor of the Park Region Echo, suffered a heart attack and died suddenly at his home in Alexandria.

Camp Wolters, Texas. June 29, 1942 – Four Starbuck men in same barracks: Noel Aaberg, Earl Anondson, Herman Carlson and Clarmont Dahlseng.

Fourth of July picnic draws large crowd.

Starbuck defeats Cyrus in baseball by the score of 8 to 7.

Lineup for Starbuck – Berens, Anderson, Evjen, Swartz, Sheldon, Aaberg, Hoium, O. Olson, Opheim, Johnson, E. Olson, Otteson, Hagen and Wesen.

John E. Engebretson, who had been the official cow tester of this district, started work at the Hancock Creamery. Mrs. Engebretson, who had been assisting at the Times office for several months, was preparing to move there soon.

Glenn Hoplin of Lowry left for Minneapolis where he enlisted in the Navy.

Notice! Harris Grant Halvorson of Glenwood failed to report for induction June 16th and because of this was reported delinquent. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this man should immediately communicate with the Selection Service Board.


From July 10, 1952

Christ Westby, who had been visiting in Norway, returned home.

Geraldine Barsness celebrated her 11th birthday by having some friends over.

Relatives and friends helped Linden Barsness celebrate his fifth birthday.


From July 5, 1962

Ronald Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph T. Lee of Starbuck, had become a member of the administrative staff of Luther College where he would be program director and chairman of the announcing staff at KWLC, the college’s educational radio station, for the summer. He would be teaching instrumental music at Manitowac, Wis. next year and would be attending the University of Michigan next summer.


From July 6, 1972

Rev. John Malm installed as pastor at Cyrus church.

Margery Burns, Milan, Minn., announced her candidacy for the office of State Senator for district 15.

The Nora Church would observe their 100th anniversary.

Arnold Opdahl, Starbuck, had been named secretary of the Pope County Historical Society to replace Reuben Eiden, who had resigned after serving in that position for the past 31 years.


From July 7, 1982

The Lowry State Bank would celebrate the new expansion-remodeling project of their facility by hosting an open house July 11.

Don and Johanna Honkomp had purchased the Starbuck Variety Store from Boyd and LuVerne Bredeson and would take over the business July 1.

Otto Pederson, 87, was honored at the Senior Citizen Center on his retirement from the Minnesota “Green Thumb” project employment service. Mr. Pederson had participated in the program for five years.

William F. Koloski, a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4582, was recently installed as District 5 Commander for the 1982-82 year.

Delores Danielson and Dick Engebretson topped a record number of golfers (190) to win the top low net honors in the 15th annual Starbuck Invitational Golf Tournament at the Glenwood Golf Club Friday and Saturday, July 2-3.


From July 8, 1992

Jessica Noyes, daughter of Randy and Meribeth Noyes, was crowned Little Miss Starbuck at Heritage Days Festivities at Lakeshore Park. Theresa Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Freeman, was named princess.

Karla Froland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Froland of Starbuck, had been accepted for admission to Mankato State University and would enroll in the Biotechnology program.


From July 10, 2002

Megan Zaic won a state award at the inventors’ congress and the top award of the day she was there for student inventions for her creativity in the making the “Trim a Tree Twirl.” The 12-year-old said, “The other inventors go around and look and they vote for the one they like the most,” said Megan. Her’s was the top choice.

Larry Kittelson, Keith Naig, Robert McCrory, Mary Pischke, Belvin Doebbert, Tom Larson and Darby Bowen filed for re-election in Pope County offices. Jeanne Olson, the current mayor of Glenwood, had filed for the county commissioner seat.

The Starbuck City Council came a step closer to a resolution to the problem of semi trucks parking on the community’s residential streets. City Superintendent Gary Koos looked into the creation of a parking lot for semi trucks outside of the residential districts.


From July 11, 2012

Heritage Days concluded with crowning of the 2012-2013 Minnewaska Royalty at the city park. Renae Mullins was crowned Miss Minnewaska Queen. Joining her was princess Connor Olson and princess Sharaya Schwardt. The new royalty was crowned by the outgoing royalty, queen Katie Mogler, princess Kaylee Jacobs and princess Jillian Hendrickson.

The Starbuck City Council held an emergency meeting on July 6 to discuss their options after they received notification of City Manager Randy Peterson’s resignation on the morning of July 5. Acting Mayor Jamie Logan said that it was imperative that the council take quick action to fill the position.

The Lowry City Council met on July 3 and agreed that they would like to see the Clerk/Treasurer position be split into two with the clerk position being appointed by the council. The council agreed that they thought it was wise to spread out the responsibilities.