From July 19, 1912

The afternoon train Saturday brought Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Ophaug and family of three girls as visitors to Iver Aals. They came from Erlandet, Norway and would live on the Kirkwold farm.

Sverre Lien had been working the past week at Peter Forness.

Clearance sale at The Farmers Store! Shoes and oxfords, $1.00; 1 lot corsets, 25¢; ladies coats, $1.25; 1 lot men’s and boy’s caps, 25¢; 1 big assortment of dishes and glassware – your choice – 7¢ each.

The brick layers finished their work on the new hospital Saturday and went Monday with Emil Larson to Kensington to work on the new school building there.


From July 21, 1922

Farmers throughout Pope County were paying an average of 63¢ an acre on farmland or $100.80 on each quarter section of land, according to figures compiled for th State Tax Commission.

John Wollan returned last Saturday from a three year absence in the West.

At the annual school meeting there were 18 votes cast. A.H. Dreyer and A.R. Schultz were re-elected directors for three years.

A Lutheran Young Peoples Convention would be held at Glenwood July 22-23. The following pastors would be present to speak and conduct services: Rev. G.O. Forde, Rev. J. Linnevold, Rev. A.G. Quammen, Prof. J.A. Aasgaard, Rev. B.E. Bergeson, Rev. O.J. Kvale, Prof. M.C. Johnshoy, Rev. N.M. Yivisaker. Choirs from Benson, Glenwood and Indherred would also take part in the programs. The choral union concert would be conducted by C.J. Wollan.


From July 21, 1932

Grandpa Micheal Hatling, who celebrated his 100th birthday last November 10, passed away Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock.

For five days the past week this vicinity sweltered in the grip of a heat wave with the thermometer hovering near the 97 mark during the middle of the day. Wednesday noon the sky began to cloud up and the temperature dropped to 94, affording a little relief from the intense heat. Farmers were compelled to be very careful with their horses in the field, but in spite of this there were some animals overcome by the heat. Knute Tollefson of Blue Mounds lost a fine horse valued at $150 on Saturday.

The “courthouse bunch” staged a housewarming party for Harold Eastlund, county superintendent at his cottage near Sunset Beach pending his return to Glenwood Aug. 15th with a young bride.


From July 23, 1942

An estimated 600 people joined together on July 19th to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Barsness Lutheran congregation.

Specials at the Red Owl Store: Red and White coffee, lb. can, 33¢; flour, 49 lb. bag, $1.69; Blue and White peanut butter, 25¢ pt.; cookies, 2 lb., 35¢; Spry, 3 lb. can, 69¢; Lifebuoy soap, 4 bars for 25¢; bananas, 10¢ lb.; raspberries, pt. box, 17¢; new potatoes, 10 lb., 29¢; onions, 3 lb., 14¢.

E.R. Selnes, District Judge 16th Judicial District filed for re-election when he was in St. Paul June 24th attending the State meeting of District Judges.

Mrs. George Knutson and Linda left Monday by car for Santa Ana, Calif. to join Mr. Knutson, who was stationed there as assistant field director with the American Red Cross.

Arlane Brandvold, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.O. Brandvold left for Fort Snelling where he joined the Armed Forces of the U.S.


From July 24, 1952

JoAnne Gertrude Vinge and August William Grothe were married at West Zion Lutheran Church July 3. Miss Ardis Bernice Evjen and Frances C. Menking were married July 23 at Fron Lutheran Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Opdahl baptized their baby, Margaret Louise at Indherred Church. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Amundson had their infant son, Robert Wayne, baptized.


From July 19, 1962

For some unknown reason, numerous sheephead had been striking on Lake Minnewaska as of late. It was reported that Paul Behl nailed an eight-pounder last Sunday, while on Monday, Hanley Mortenson brought in a five-pounder. About the only thing sheephead were good for (strictly an opinion of the reporter) was that they lower the water level of the lake which was too high anyway. Keep pulling them in boys!

A/2c Jerrol Halvorson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claremont Halvorson of Hancock, boarded a plane in Minneapolis Wednesday, July 18 and left for France, where he would be stationed for two years.


From July 20, 1972

Richard A. Beveridge announced Tuesday he had filed for Rep. in District 15A.

Eleanor Larson was appointed Register of Deeds effective Sept. 1st. She would fill the unexpired team of Reuben Eide, who would be retiring.

James B. Olson, Chippewa Falls Township, was recently appointed to the three-year term on the Pope County Farmer’s Home Administrative County Committee, replacing Ben Troen, Minnewaska Township, whose term Expired July 1st.


From July 21, 1982

Harold Meyer recently built a “Shoo Fly” and constructed it around a large, beautiful cottonwood tree in the city park. Funds for the materials were donated by the STarbuck Jaycees. It would seat 45 people and was built about seven feet off the ground.

Immanuel Lutheran Church would celebrate its 110th anniversary July 25.

James Syverson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Syverson, received the “Outstanding Student” award at the Willmar Area Vocational Technical Institution graduation ceremonies June 2. Jim has accepted employment with FMC in Brooklyn Center as a technical illustration.


From July 22, 1992

Former Starbuck Creamery manager and current American Dairy Association program consultant, Gene Watnaas, had announced he planned to retire at the end of the month.

Leah Hjelle, 17, daughter of Paul and Jane (Gorder) Hjelle of New London was crowned Miss New London July 18 at the Water Days Festival held in that city.


From July 24, 2002

A photo of an empty beach was featured on the front page of the Times. Last Wednesday it was 92 degrees at 3 p.m. The beach was open, there was no lake itch, and yet the beach was totally empty save the lifeguards. There wasn’t much of a breeze which might have made even the beach too hot a place to be.

 The county commissioners nibbled around the edges of Pope County’s 2003 budget at meetings Tuesday and Thursday, but they came nowhere near lopping off the expected shortfall of $500,000.

Jim Gremmels and his grandson Ethan Gremmels were pictured holding up the USA Tennis banner, which signifies that this weekend’s 18th annual Waterama Tennis Tournament and eighth annual Waterama Junior Tennis Tournament are sanctioned by the United States Tennis Association. 


From July 25, 2012

Eight-year-old Lars Braunreiter, of Galesville, Wis., landed a 42-inch Northern Pike near Peters Resort. He was pictured in the Times with his dad and his prize fish. Lars introduced his dad by saying, “He’s Keith Braunreiter–the man who taught me how to catch this.”

The main gym floor at Minnewaska Area High School was recently completely re-sanded. It was the first overhaul of the floor since the building was opened in the fall of 1991.