Starbuck Thursday Night on the Town
News | Published on July 18, 2022 at 11:58am CDT

Brent Gulsvig was honored at Thursday Night on the Town at Starbuck Depot last week. Gulsvig recently left his position at the Pope County Historical Society and was honored for his years of service. Cake was served along with the hamburger meal by Immanual Lutheran Church. Pictured above, (from left) are: Pope County Historical Society President Bob Gandrud; Merlin Peterson, Museum director for the Pope County Historical Society, Lisa and Brent Gulsvig; Ann Grandy, collection manager at the Pope County Museum. The picnic meal featuring grilled hamburgers, chips, beans (and cake) was served by members of the Immanual Lutheran Church. Church members did the cooking, grilling hamburgers on the Depot lawn. Shoppers browse the farmers’ market that is conducted at the Starbuck Depot along with the Thursday Night on the Town activities.