6th Annual Kids Safety Camp
News | Published on August 22, 2022 at 11:31am CDT

Kids Safety Camp, a two-day event put on by the Starbuck Police Department, was held at Minnewaska Area High School on Aug. 17-18. Safety camp was open to any student who will be entering 4th-7th grade for the 2022-23 school year. At this year’s camp 37 students learned a number of safety topics in a fun-filled camp-like environment.
This year’s events included a K9 demonstration by the Pope County Sheriff’s Office; a bus evacuation drill by Palmer Bus Service and the Glenwood Fire Department; electrical line safety by Runestone Electric Association; vaping by Horizon Public Health; social media safety by Jodee Lund of Glacial Hills Elementary School; obstacle course fun by Ottertail Inflatables; fire safety by the Starbuck Fire Department; water safety by Nancy Koep; why we wear our seatbelt safety by the MN Office of Traffic Safety; wildlife safety by the Hempker Zoo; railroad safety by MN Operation Life Saver; farm safety by the Pope County Farm Bureau; general/recreational sport safety by the MN DNR; first aid by Stevens Community Medical Center; and “Touch the Truck” with the Pope County Sheriff’s Office, West Central SWAT, Starbuck Fire Department and the Minnesota National Guard. The Life Link III helicopter was scheduled to land and give a presentation, but unfortunately with the rain they couldn’t participate.
All funding for this annual Safety Camp is provided by local businesses and donors. A big thank you to Starbuck Police Officer Ryan Franks and Charlene Drewes for organizing this year’s camp.