By Melanie Stegner,

David Green, Director of the Pope County Land and Resource Management Office, last week presented the Pope County Board with two interim use permit applications and one conditional use permit. 

The first IUP addressed was an application by Dave Schirmers from Leven Township on Lake Villard requesting permission to locate, construct and operate a seasonal RV park. The site plan allows for 32 individual sites and would be located on the east side of the lake with access from County Road 25 in Leven Township. 

After assessment of the property, it was determined that there will be minimal stormwater runoff. However, the application was missing some details about an erosion control plan, an onsite wastewater operating permit and a professionally developed stormwater management plan. With that missing information, the Planning and Zoning Commission was not able to recommend the approval but was necessary for discussion with the board of commissioners. “The use of the land as an RV park is within the county guidelines and is a good use of the property, we just need more information,” said Pope County Commissioner Haggerty. 

Several landowners from the proposed area commented against the use of the property as an RV Park. Schirmers responded to each of the comments with fact-based information regarding the number of slips he is allowed, the quality and cleanliness he will maintain with the property as well as several other concerns. “The site itself is 20 feet above the bike trail and cannot be seen from there. I farm the land surrounding the proposed piece of property, which is a piece that doesn’t get hit with my center pivot and have no plans to remove trees or brush as it creates a good buffer for privacy. I’ve planted over 100 pine trees on this site on May 16 of this year. I do not plan to expand as I would have to give up irrigated farmland,” said Schirmers.

The board unanimously passed a motion to remand the application until the missing information is completed.

The second IUP request was from LeAnn Chlian regarding a parcel in Minnewaska Township. Chlian owns the small lot that is only 1825 square feet in size and wishes to keep her personal RV on site to create less traffic for removal and placement over the course of time. There are no utilities on the lot and Chlian contracts for a porta-john in place of water use. The RV is concealed by existing trees and brush. Due to the lot size, the possibility for building a home would require a variance. The road to the property has existed for over 100 years. “This is the extent of the lots usability in my opinion,” said Green. The commissioners approved the permit 4-1 with Haggerty opposing.

A conditional use permit was requested by Gary Koubsky to add a 1500 square foot accessory structure to his 2.12-acre property. Koubsky wants to use the facility for storage of his camper, fish house and various other items. The board passed the CUP unanimously.

County Engineer Brian Giese stated that the maintenance department has been working on roadside mowing and will be doing so through August and part of September. The engineering staff is working on next year’s construction projects and doing the annual bridge inspections. The road and bridge budget proposal is being reviewed. 

“We ended up having a pretty small ask for tree removal on County Road 17. We do have a couple of spots near Bay Crest and Peters Resort that have asked for realignment. We’re sitting on a pretty good design at this point and will look to advertise for the contract for tree removal over the winter,” stated Giese. “We will meet with landowners publicly or individually regarding replacement of trees and where they will be in relation to the road. We want to avoid conflict and are hoping landowners understand we will do our best to accommodate their wishes. The reality is we won’t be able to make everyone 100 percent happy.

County Road 24 has a corrugated steel culvert that has a joint failure approximately 30-40 feet from the south end of the culvert. It’s created some sink holes in the road inslope. “As far as we can tell, the culvert was installed in 1952, extended in 1955 and hasn’t been replaced since,” said Giese. It’s buried roughly 20 feet deep and will create some significant challenges and costs if it was replaced traditionally. 

“Upon research we’ve obtained a quote to install an Ultraviolet Light-Cured in Place Pipe liner in lieu of a traditional replacement. The liner provides a seamless pipe with a 70-year life expectancy and will add significant strength to the original pipe,” he added. The board approved the proposal unanimously with Commissioner Gerde adding, “it may be interesting to see some photos of how this works for future reference.”

The board approved a motion to engage the Midwest Medical Examiner’s Office to fill the appointment of county coroner. Midwest will provide autopsy and forensic pathology for the county at the cost of $8,000 per year. The commissioners requested to continue to advertise for a local doctor to take the place of coroner but will use Midwest in the meantime.

In other business, the board approved the issuance of a letter to DEED for grant support regarding the last phases of the broadband expansion project. This phase would complete the project of fiber buildout in the county. A request for purchase of security cameras for the Health and Human Services building was approved unanimously, and the approval for the board chair and county administrator to execute a lease agreement with the city of Villard for beach activities.

A revision of the lease to end tenancy of the temporary human services offices was approved as was the Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota for the 2022 primary and general elections.

In other county news, the Pope County HRA/EDA has set the proposed preliminary levy for 2023 at $457,000 which maintains the same tax rate as last year.

The next county board meetings will include the 2023 budget proposals.