The Auxiliary to Starbuck VFW Post 4582 held its Silver Tea on Saturday, Sept. 17, 2022. The event is held every two years and celebrates members of the Auxiliary who are 70 years of age or older. Guests enjoyed lunch, followed by bingo. Pictured from left to right are: front, Orlean Doherty, Ruby Aaberg, Carol Holten, Lois Brecht, Ada Erickson, Eloise Totushek, Mary Laqua, Donna Frank, Dolores Danielson and Beverly Fischer; back, Inga Mae Urke, Bonnie Haugen, Vicki Aaberg, Leona Aaberg, Timmie Baukol, Pat Aaberg, Linda Searcy, Grace Larson, Mary Lehtola and Carol Engh. Eloise Totushek is the last living Charter Member from 1945. Beverly Fischer traveled the farthest to attend. A good time was had by all.