From October 25, 1912

On Wednesday noon of this week occurred the wedding of Bertha Marie Hanson to Bennie George O. Signalness of Blue Mounds. The wedding took place at the residence of Rev. H.O. Koefod of Glenwood. Young Mrs. Signalness is the fifth in her family to be married within the year. Mr. and Mrs. Signalness will be making their home on the big Signalness farm in Blue Mound. 

A new waiter arrived at the White Lily Restaurant last Thursday evening, and of course, C.A. Berg feels happy. The new arrival is a young man weighing 7-1/2 lbs. He won’t go to work yet for awhile. 

Most women are far too limited in their friendships. To be liked there must be, first of all, kindness and plenty of it. There must be tact, and tact is nothing at all but consideration and kindness. If people want others to be like them, they must make people feel that their lives are not aloof from others. 


From October 20, 1922

A deal was made the past week by which Henry Hanson leased Ole Troy’s Restaurant and ice cream parlor, Mr. Hanson will take charge Nov. 1. 

The first snow of the season fell on Sunday night and continued until about ten o’clock on Monday morning, when the sun came out and it all melted in a few hours. 

The following young people were confirmed at the West Zion church last Sunday: Palmer Nyhusmoen, Clifford Dahl, Esther Lysen, Olive Vinge, Pearl Vinge, Mabel Revling, Cora Dahl, and Evelyn Nelson. 

The White Bear Lake Farmer’s Club met at Martin Aune’s on Friday evening. After the program they all went out to see his modern equipped barn and Guernsey cows, after which lunch was served by the hostess. 


From October 27, 1932

Mr. W.A. Peterson has been appointed local manager for the 1932 Christmas Seal Sale in Starbuck, according to an announcement received today from the Minnesota Public Health Association, which directs the sale in the state. The Christmas Seal Sale will open Thanksgiving Day. 

Geneva Larson played several piano solos and Garfield Dokken, a number of accordion selections. Norman Aaberg presented bride-to-be with many beautiful and useful gifts. Gladys Aaberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Aaberg and Joe Ward, were quietly married at the Fron parsonage on Sunday. Rev. M.C. Johnshoy officiating. The young couple will make their home in Glenwood. 

Halloween appointments were used for room and table decorations at a delightful party given by the Starbuck Study Club for their husbands and for the teachers of the Starbuck Public School on Thursday evening, Oct. 20. The party was held at home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gorder. 


From October 22, 1942

Miss Marie Lingen and Sewald Odegaard were married October 20 at St. John’s Lutheran Church. The couple have a large circle of friends who extend their best wishes for a long and happy married life. 

Funeral services for Curtiss Odell Nelson, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nelson of Langhei, were held at West Zion Lutheran Church Oct. 15. The young lad had been ill only three weeks before his death from leukemia. 

Calvin E. Pederson, formerly an ensign, has now received his promotion to lieutenant (jg). He is stationed in a malaria hospital in Trinidad, British, West Indies. 

Al Brainerd found Ole Ophaug’s trailer in the woods east of Indherred church while hunting pheasants. It disappeared the first night of the carnival in July. 

Hjalmer Hagen sold 1400 turkeys last week for which he received 30¢ per lb. 

A quiet wedding took place at the Morris parsonage on Saturday, Oct. 10th when Miss Ruth Hagen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Hagen of Cyrus, became the bride of victor Wrolson, son of Mrs. Clara Wrolson of Cyrus. They will make their home on the groom’s farm west of Cyrus.


From October 23, 1952

The Homecoming Carnival weekend was a great success. Vada Pederson, senior, was crowned Homecoming Queen. Other candidates were seniors Mary Ellen Kyvig, Dorene Suckow and Geraldine Thompson. Junior, sophomore and freshmen attendants were Luanne Peterson, Noreen Ophaug and Janice Johnshoy. 

Clarence Kleven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kleven, is among the 64 girls elected to sing in the Manitou Singers, the freshman girls choir at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Berge, Diane Adele, was baptized Sunday at East Zion Lutheran Church. Sponsors were Dr. and Mrs. J.I. Merrill, Mrs. David Dzuik and Mrs. Ella Gorder. 

Miss Darlene Pochardt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. Pochardt, and Allan Hagestuen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hagestuen, all of Starbuck, were married at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Hancock Oct. 18. The couple will make their home in Starbuck. 


From October 18, 1962

Assistant Starbuck High School coach Jack Nelson has been named as Competition Director for the Starbuck Punt, Pass & Kick program that was announced last week by Solberg and Bothum, owners of Star Motor Co. who are sponsoring the program locally. 

A new student loan program designed to pay all the cost of a four-year college education is now being offered through the Starbuck office of the Production Credit association, according to recent announcement by Charles D. Angus, branch manager. 

Two from SHS in all-state music groups concert. The Thursday evening general session of the MEA convention will feature the all-state music groups in concert. These groups – the all-state chorus, the all-state band and all-state orchestra  – will perform Thursday October 25, in the Minneapolis auditorium before the Education Association and the public. The audience is expected to be in excess of 20,000.


From October 19, 1972

Now that summer activities are winding down, we thought that you would like to know a little about the activities that are presently taking place at Glacial Lakes State Park. We are in the process of building a new campground that will have about 20 more sites which will bring the total capacity to 40 camping units. The new campground will be complete with curbs, fire rings, tables and pit toilets. 

A saddle club is in the process of being started in this area. Sunday afternoon approximately 30 interested persons, men, women and children gathered at the Glacial Lakes State Park to take a “trail ride” and discussed the forming of a club. In spite of being cool and raw weather wise, they reported a big time. 

The days of the old west were brought back to Starbuck Sunday as approximately a dozen cowboys herded cattle from west of Starbuck to the Mike Rutledge farm south of town. Mike Rutledge had the cattle on pasture (some over a hundred) and wanted them on his farm. The driver brought the cattle along the railroad tracks to the Farmers Union and thence south. 


From October 20, 1982

The Fall Dinner Rally for the Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce will be held this Monday evening, October 25. The annual event will begin at 6 p.m. at the VFW Clubrooms. Highlighting the special evening will be the guest speaker, Miss Debbie Asp, who helped to fulfill her father, Robert’s, dream of sailing the Atlantic Ocean to Norway in replica of the Viking ship, the Hjemkomst, meaning homecoming.

MDH Auxiliary celebrates 60 years of service. The Auxiliary, one of the oldest community service organizations in Starbuck, recently celebrated its 60th anniversary by having an afternoon tea which 70 women attended. Many memories were shared. 

The City of Starbuck was without electricity for approximately one hour last Saturday evening when a loose connection caused a line to burn itself off. The connection, at the corner of 7th and Wollan, had to be replaced by a Northern State Power Company line crew. No property damage was reported. 


From October 21, 1992

Officers of the Minnewaska Lutheran Home in Starbuck recently presented a cash donation to the MLH from proceeds they raised from the ice cream social they sponsored recently. Making the presentation to Administrator Bruce Prause are: Frances Flynn, treasurer; Ruth Kugler, chaplain; Alice Sylvester. The funds will be used towards the purchase of a new big screen TV.

A new service called “Community Energy Council Program” will now be available to Starbuck residents after the city council approved the proposal put forth at the last monthly meeting Monday evening, October 12. 

The Lakers lay claim to “We’re #1” bragging rights following their win over the Benson Braves at Benson last Wednesday evening. Coach Steve Hill’s MAHS Laker football team took sole possession of the top spot in the West Central South Conference final football standings. 


From October 16, 2002

About thirty community volunteers came out on Oct. 12 to start the planting phase of the gateway project. Volunteers dug holes, planted and shoveled peat. The group planted approximately 40 trees and 100 shrubs. 

The Starbuck City Council has taken another step towards finalizing the city’s sewer improvement project. Engineer Larry Van Hout presented the commissioners with new estimates that were figured per parcel and included the addition of three blocks. The new estimate is also without a storm sewer assessment. 

The Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce met Oct. 8 to discuss many issues including the upcoming holiday events. The chamber attempted to align its own Halloween activities with those of Fron Lutheran Church, but was unsuccessful. The commerce members were hoping to allow the children to walk in a parade down Main Street and then to a carnival at Fron, however, the times did not coordinate. 


From October 24, 2012

At a special meeting of the Starbuck City Council on Friday, October 19, the council voted unanimously to end the school resource officer contract with the Day Treatment School. 

HRA faces hurdles to start adult housing project in Starbuck before end of year. HRA/EDA Executive Director Dick Dreher said the Starbuck City Council meeting he was at on Monday, October 15 was interesting. Dreher said he was told that MnDOT would have to approve any drainage issue because it dealt with the land by the airport.

Paul Gerde, Chairman of the Pope County Board of Commissioners, cut the ribbon last Tuesday morning, officially opening the newly constructed north entry to the Pope County Courthouse. The dedication ceremony and ribbon-cutting attracted a good crowd including county staff and members of the community. The project began construction last June and restored the north entry to its original 1930s-era architecture.