Article submitted by Kathryn Kyvig, secretary

The VFW Auxiliary to Starbuck Post 4582 held their regular meeting on Monday, Oct. 10, 2022, at 2 p.m. at the meeting room of the VFW with President Karen Tharaldson presiding. The chaplain offered the opening prayer and the pledge to the flag was given.  The roll call of officers found 12 present and 2 absent with 14 total members and 1 guest present. Caitlin Amundson, 5th District President, was present to conduct the annual official visit of our auxiliary. The secretary’s report was read and approved. The treasurer’s report was read and filed subject to audit.  

Information noted: The next Auxiliary Meeting will be held on Nov. 14, 2022, at 2 p.m. Certificates of Recognition that were received from District 5 were read.  They included an award for thinking outside the box for participation in the Bike Rodeo in cooperation with the Starbuck Police Dept. during Heritage Days.  Other certificates were for Americanism, membership, and recognition that the Starbuck VFW Auxiliary is a Healthy Organization.  

Unfinished business: The Silver Tea was held on Sept. 17 to honor members aged 70 and older. Good attendance and enjoyable time was reported. The Veterans’ Dinner will be held on Friday, Nov. 11 at the Starbuck VFW Club Room. 

New business: Ruby Aaberg presented the audit report for July 1 through Sept. 30 and moved to accept the report. Pat Aaberg seconded the motion and the motion carried. Deb Kuusisto moved to pay the bills.  Ruby Aaberg seconded the motion and the motion carried.  Deb Kuusisto moved to provide the sheet cake and tip for the Veterans’ Dinner. Bonnie Haugen seconded the motion and the motion carried. Deb Kuusisto moved to contribute $250 towards the Veterans’ Dinner, Robin Cole seconded the motion and the motion carried. Ruby Aaberg moved to donate $200 to contribute to a fund to purchase personal items needed by the veterans at the St. Cloud Veteran’s Hospital.  

Pat Aaberg’s name was drawn for the quarter drawing and Kathryn Becker’s name was drawn for the door prize of $10. She was not in attendance. The meeting was closed according to the rituals.