The 2022 breeding population estimates are:

•  Mallards – 231,000, which is 19% below the 2019 estimate and unchanged from the long-term average •  Blue-winged teal – 161,000, which is 28% below the 2019 estimate and 24% below the long-term average

•  Other ducks, excluding scaup, (such as ring-necked ducks, wood ducks, gadwalls, northern shovelers, canvasbacks, redheads and buffleheads), 175,000 which is 6% below the 2019 estimate and 3% below the long-term average

•  Total breeding duck abundance (excluding scaup) – 567,000, which is 18% below the 2019 estimate and 9% below the long-term average

•  Canada geese – 115,000, which is similar to the 2019 estimate and 27% below the long-term average.

•  Trumpeter swans – 25,000, which is a new record high for the population (survey methods for swans differ and a long-term average is not available).