Minnewaska Area Schools hosted its 17th annual Veterans Appreciation Program, Friday, Nov. 11 in the high school gymnasium during Veterans Day.  Guest speaker for the event was Major Joe Howe.  Veterans and guests were invited to the cafeteria for lunch following the program, compliments of the Palmer Bus Service.

Members of the local Color Guard advanced the colors into the gymnasium for the start of the program.  Supt. Chip Rankin welcomed the crowd.  Honorary guests salute the flag while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and MAHS choir students performed a medley of service songs under the direction of Sue Morton.

“Veterans in Minnesota make up less than 1 percent of all vets in the United States. We need to tell them thank you for your services as a great gesture of appreciation. But how many do we see who are not in uniform? We need to thank them too for being an integral part of our community,” stated Rankin. “It’s important for all of us to be thankful for everyone who makes our community a little bit better. The only way this school exists is because of taxpayers for our students to get the best education we can offer. We’re the greatest country in the world because of the veterans sitting here today.”

Find more photos from the program in our photo gallery!