Glenwood Lakes Area Welcome Center and Chamber holiday lighting contest

The Glenwood Lakes Area Welcome Center and Chamber will be holding a residential lighting contest for city or rural residents with a Glenwood address. Judging will take place Dec. 12-14 and winners will be announced on Thursday, Dec. 15. 1st Place – $150 (Minnewaska Dollars); 2nd Place – $100; 3rd Place – $75. Register online at by Monday, Dec. 5.

Starbuck Area Chamber holiday lighting contest

Area businesses and residents are invited to light up their structures and yards for the annual holiday lighting contest. On Dec. 15, judges will drive within Starbuck city limits to look at all the lights and decorations. Prizes will be awarded. No registration is necessary, however, if you’d like to let us know you want to be in the contest you may leave a message with the address at the Starbuck Chamber office, 320-239-4220.

If your town is doing something similar this holiday season, and would like it in the Pope County Tribune, please email  or call 210-634-4571.