Washington apples for sale

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, Nov. 30, 1922.

Minnewaska Still Open. It is not many years that Lake Minnewaska has remained open until the last days of November like it has this year. Many a year the people have been skating all over the lake at this time. As the ice generally clears away in March, we should not have to contend with ice more than four months this year.

  Everything that could be done to reelect Volstead in the seventh congressional district was done this year. Papers and pamphlets were sent by the ton lot. Speakers were as numerous as flies on a lump of sugar (although they did not get audiences.) In spite of all these facts Rev. O.J. Kvale won the election with a majority of 13,800 votes. Never in the history of Minnesota has a congressman received such a rebuke from the people as Volstead did in the last election.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, Nov. 30, 1922.

Court convened last Tuesday morning, Judge S.A. Flaherty, presiding. In the afternoon on Tuesday the applications of several who wished to become citizens were heard. There were eight applicants and five were admitted. Those who were admitted to citizenship were: Frank Martin, Reno; Edward Christian Houbolt, Lake Johanna; Garrit Jan Dirkson, Lake Johanna; Carl Swenson Norland, White Bear Lake and Carl Berg of Lowry.

  John Hiebel entertained Bennie Benson and Wencil Bisek for dinner last Sunday. Reports are that Mr. Hiebel is a splendid cook.

  H.P Peters is making a number of big improvements at the Sunset Beach Hotel. He is putting a basement under part of the hotel and putting in a heating plant. He is also moving a number of the cottages so as to make an entirely different arrangement. A sun parlor is being added in the north end of the hotel with four rooms above. Next spring he may also add a number of new cottages. Mr. Peters had a very good season last year and he is making these additions in order to take care of his ever growing business.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, Dec. 1, 1922. 

Miss Olivia Peterson came home on Monday from St. Paul to start work as county nurse the first of the month.

  Harris Baukol came this week with a carload of apples from Washington and has been selling them from the car.

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From the Cyrus Citizen Thursday, Nov. 30, 1922. 

Anton Ness started the erection of a new dwelling house last week.

  Considerable has been said about flooding some land in our vicinity which could be used for a skating rink. This is a very good idea and we believe it should be done as it would give exercise enough for our whole town, not the town, but the people.