Contributed by Showstoppers board member Kaye Kriel

Greetings! What lovely weather we are having this fall. It is 75 degrees at 3:30 on a Wednesday in November. While this IS fantastic fall weather, I know it won’t last forever. I find that my spirits improve if there are activities sprinkled through the winter months. What outing do I have planned for January? It is, of course, the winter show by Showstoppers.

This year’s winter show is “Hit the Road, Jack.” The main characters (Jack and Trevor) have run Gunderson Driving Academy into the ground, but they are desperately trying to turn things around. “Hit the Road, Jack” contains romance, scheming, and even a bank robber or two. More information about the show will soon be available on Facebook, Instagram and our website ( Minnewaska Showstoppers IS trying to move with the times. We have been looking into online ticketing. We haven’t officially decided anything concerning online ticketing, but we are thinking about it!

Love theater and want to see more of it? Showstoppers won’t be the only ones producing a play this winter. Minnewaska Schools hopes to bring back the musical this spring. Musical performances will most likely happen at the beginning of March. I also heard that Central Square might have theatrical performances on its schedule. As always, your support of the arts is greatly appreciated. The show would not go on without the community’s patronage. We hope to see you at the show.