From November 8, 1912

Little Charlie Lysgaard visited school Monday afternoon. The little fellow, like all proper visitors, liked to see everything “going on” but becoming weary of what was “greek” to him, he fell asleep on a pile of coats with a muff for a pillow and slept until 4 o’clock. Supt. Torguson also visited school last week, but he didn’t fall asleep as well. 

Perl Heegard was absent from school for a half a day, as he was enjoying himself in the dentist chair. 

An eleven pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Holte Tuesday morning.  


From November 10, 1922

Miss Caroline Hogy and Mr. George Disrud were united in marriage at the St. Johns Church last Thursday afternoon, Rev. G. O. Forde officiating. Miss Nora Lybeck and Mr. Casper Arneson were their attendants.

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Toombs (nee Hazel Johnson) Wednesday morning. 

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Stein last Friday. 

Miss Thelma Tollefson closed the first part of her school term in the Dahl school house on Friday. Miss Tollefson will have a six weeks vacation and the parochial school commenced Monday with Olaf Nyhusmoen as the teacher. 

Miss Thilde Jacobson and Mr. Carl Hallum were united in marriage at the home of the bride at Cyrus Nov. 1. Rev. Olson of Morris performed the ceremony. 

Mr. and Mrs. Ole Solvie were honored on their Silver Wedding anniversary at the Lutheran church in Cyrus last Sunday after the regular services. Mr. and Mrs. Solvie have seven children. 


From November 17, 1932

No one was injured in a collision which took place Monday night on Highway 28 near Glenwood Airport between cars driven by Adolph Lund of Glenwood and F.B. Schaub, the justice of the peace at Westport. Mr. Lund was accompanied by Oscar Kleven of Glenwood. Mr. Schaub’s car was considerably damaged. 

A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sanvik of Walden on Saturday, Nov. 5th and a boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ingolf Aal of White Bear Lake on Thursday, Nov. 10th.

The following officers were elected at the Minnewaska Y.P.S. Sunday evening: Arthur Nordberg, Pres.; Ebba Swenson, Secretary; George Aune, Vice President and Oliver Kyvid, Treasurer.

County Treasurer L.O. Sylvester reports that 79.22% of the taxes for this year were collected up to Nov. 1st. The 1931 levy, payable this year was $405,355.17 and of this amount the collections to Nov. 1 amounted to $320,042.16.

Ole I. Skratthult with his famous company, well known from coast to coast will present “Karinga Mis Kusin,” a very humorous play. Don’t miss this opportunity to see this comedy of comedies. Come early. Will present “Stackars Kallson,” Starbuck, Monday, Nov. 21 at 8 p.m. Advance tickets 25¢ at cafe. Tickets at the door 35¢. Dance after show.   


From November 12, 1942

Jake Van Epps of Hancock entered the Army in May and is stationed in Ireland. He was the most surprised soldier with the Yankees when he received a cablegram recently telling he was the father of triplet girls, Janice, Jean and Jane born at the Morris hospital October 31. 

Miss Rubye Hanse and Gordon Alfson of Cyrus were united in marriage at the Morris parsonage October 31. The couple will make their home with the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Selmer Alfson, where Gordon is running the place while his father is employed in Cyrus.

According to a letter received by relatives here, Pvt. Walter Nelson is now with General MacArthur troops in New Guinea, in the Pacific.

Casper Johnshoy, Jr. celebrated his 13th birthday November 8.

Mr. and Mrs. Newman Erickson had their infant son, Nils Dennis Truman, was baptized Sunday. Sponsors were Doris Grenson, Reinhart Erickson and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Signalness.

The Starbuck High School Carnival Queen for 1942 is Olive Smedstad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Smedstad and the Carnival King is Ellsworth Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Thompson. Each won 1,000 lbs. of Norseman coal contributed by the Starbuck Lumber Co.


From November 13, 1952

The junior class of Starbuck High School will present their class play, “If Mother Only Knew” on November 21 in the high school auditorium. Those taking part will be Allen Giesen, Anne Olson, Wanda Pederson, Luanne Peterson, Joyce Walter, Robert Billehaus, John Ranum, Larry Hagen, Devon Maanum, Jerry Pederson, Norman Opheim and David Hammero. 

Miss Marjorie Elaine Peterson of Cyrus and Wilfred Burdell Christianson, son of Mrs. Pearl Thompson of Starbuck were married October 21 at the Parish House of the First Lutheran Church in Morris. The couple will make their home in Minneapolis. 

Miss Marlys Ann Westby and Edward Collins were united in marriage Saturday at the Zion Lutheran Church in San Luis Obispo, CA. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Westby of Starbuck, MN. The couple will make their home in San Luis Obispo. 

Shoes for the holidays-boys rugged combat boots $5.95, boys chore shoes $4.85 and $5.45; all other shoes $2.98 and up. Mortenson’s Shoe Service. 


From November 8, 1962

A 75 M pack Howitzer, M 1A1 Carrugi M8 with mech recoil, has been placed in the Starbuck Park. It was secured from the Major Item Supply Management Agency, U.S. Ordinance, Chambersburg, PA and shipped by freight to Starbuck from the Pueblo Ordinance Depot, Pueblo, CO. This Howitzer was secured thru the past service officer of Starbuck Post 4582, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Freight and Demilitarization and government handling. Charges were paid by donations from several local businessmen.

Miss Phyllis Knutson of North Fork and Dennis Erickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Newman Erickson of Starbuck were married Saturday, August 4 at Big Grove Lutheran Church in Brooten. The couple will be at home in Norfolk, VA where the groom is stationed with the U.S. Navy.

Kathryn Jean, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kleinhans (Margaret Erickson) was baptized at Fron Lutheran Church Sunday, November 4. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. James Berg. Mrs. Odell Hoverud and Vernon Erickson were also sponsors by proxy for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Krusow of Tacoma, WA who were unable to be present. 


From November 9, 1972

President Richard Nixon made a landslide sweep of the nation in the election Tuesday as he carried all the states except Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. His victory is expected to be at least 62% of the vote or the highest ever recorded in a presidential race.

Postmaster Maurice Walline announced this week he received official notice Monday, November 6, 1972 that the proposed consolidation of encumbered rural routes in this area is approved. Effective date of this action is Nov. 11, 1971. 

The Board of Directors of the Vikingland Half-Way House Corporation met Thursday evening and voted to purchase the brick building in Glenwood which now houses Montgomery Ward Store and an antique shop. The basement is presently used by Glenwood youth as a gathering place while the upstairs apartment  has been rented out as living quarters. The board plans to use the upstairs for a half-way house with remodeling plans being studied to meet the necessary requirements.


From November 10, 1982

A very quiet agenda greeted the Pope County Commissioners at their regular meeting held Wednesday, November 3. The Board granted the county planning permission to hold a public hearing in regards to the proposed sewage cleaners’ pumpers ordinance. The planning commission met with various sewage cleaners on October 28 when the proposed ordinance was reviewed.

The Cyrus High School will present a comedy entitled, “Blithe Spirit” on Friday, November 12 at the Cyrus School gymnasium.

Farmers in West Central Minnesota have been extremely busy the past couple of weeks dodging the weather while trying to get their crops of corn, soybeans and sunflowers harvested. Last Monday, a lineup of vehicles, loaded with corn kept the Starbuck Creamery personnel busy. This year’s crop has been yielding good numbers, but the moisture content has been extremely high and the call for propane from suppliers has been running higher than usual. 


From November 4, 1992

Funeral services for William C. Neuenfeld, Sr., 76, were held October 24 at Fron Lutheran Church. He is survived by his wife, Marguerite; two sons, John of Maple Grove and William, Jr. of Glenwood and one daughter, Jean of Thousand Oaks, CA.

Jennifer Johnson of Richfield and Sheldon Sanvik, son of Ralph and Sharon (Jackson) Sanvik of Minnetonka, were married at the Richfield United Methodist Church on Saturday Oct. 17. The couple will make their home in Richfield. 

Funeral services for James Johnson, 72, Benson, were held at Redeemer’s Lutheran Church in Benson. He is survived by five daughters, Mary, Diane, Paulette and Jacqueline of Benson, Theresa Nelson of Cosmos and one son of Benson. 


From November 6, 2002

Starbuck Elementary students toured Minnewaska Lutheran Home to show-off their costumes, while the home decorated a “torture chamber” for the students to tour. The chamber was full of skeletons, ghosts, witches and spiders. 

The Pope County Women of Today are hosting a fundraiser for Pope County Daycare providers on Saturday, November 16, 2002 at the Starbuck Elementary School. The event will feature organizations that provide services to families that are victims of domestic violence, as well as education to the community on risk factors, statistics and warning signs that a loved one may be in trouble. There will be crafters, food booths, business participation, and consultants from various home party consultants. 

The first of two deer seasons for firearms hunters opens Saturday, and Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officials are hoping harvest levels will be unaffected by statewide concerns over whether chronic wasting disease (CWD) exists in the state’s wild deer herds. 


From October 14, 2012

Karyn Clare’s Minnewaska Area Elementary fourth-grade class hosted a school-wide vote on Election Day. Everything was set up to mimic a real election. Students and staff were greeted in the hallway, directed to register, received a ballot, took it to a voting booth, made their choice and turned in the ballot at the end of the process. Clare said her students have been studying American History and the events that ultimately led to our right to vote. Hosting the election was a way for kids to get inside the process both as election workers and voters. 

The Pope County HRA/EDA met for a couple hours on November 7 to discuss current projects including the adult housing (Bay Meadows) project in Starbuck. 

Veterans were honored during the Glacial Hills Elementary School Veterans Day Program on November 9.