American Solutions for Business raised over $25,000 for families in the Pope County area through their annual Adopt-A-Family fundraiser. Raising over double the amount they achieved last year, ASB was able to sponsor 16 families, including 36 kids, and a special gift for an individual in the area spending the holidays alone. This tradition began two decades ago as a special gift for ASB’s Founder Larry Zavadil, and his wife Diane, as a collective effort from team members and sales associates at American Solutions for Business.  “I look forward to seeing the numbers every year,” expressed Zavadil. “I’ve always known our American family was generous just by the good they do throughout the year, but I am astonished once again!” The families are kept anonymous by county administrators, and the only details given to the American team are ages and genders of the children. Volunteers spend an afternoon of shopping finding items that the children need and want, doing what they can to make sure their holiday season is filled with smiles.