By Melanie Stegner

The Pope County Board of Commissioners kicked off this week’s meeting by recognizing Jim and Karen Barchenger for being selected as the 2022 Pope County Outstanding Conservationists by the Soil and Water Conservation District. (The Barchengers were featured recently in this newspaper).

An interim use permit was requested by Cullen and Deann Ober to keep two recreational vehicles on their Pelican Lake property. The Obers have a septic system installed on the property to handle water use. Conditions that were proposed are a permit limit of three years, locate the RVs in an area as to reduce visibility from the public waters and adjacent shorelands, the use of the septic system, the parcel cannot be advertised for use and failure to meet the conditions may result in revocation of the permit. 

There were two public comments that were concerned about the use of RVs on the site. Since the Obers gained the property, they have had their RVs permitted for use. The Land and Resource Management office were able to oversee the installation of their septic system. 

“It’s never been proven that an RV placed on a lot depreciates the value of adjacent properties,” said David Green, LRM Director. “They can’t rent out any of the spots as it’s only for family use.” The board approved the permit unanimously.

The Aquatic Invasive Species Action Plan was discussed. The county is allocated funds based on the amount of trailer launch sites on the public water bodies. There are 19 launch sites on 16 public water bodies. For 2023, the allocation is $85,464. These funds are used towards outreach and education and in-the-water prevention, containment and/or remediation-type projects and to minimize the amount of monies spent on overhead.

Mike Wacker, County Assessor addressed the board regarding clerical changes to properties that occurred after the Board of Appeal. Several of the property changes were incorrect values, homestead changes and various other reasons.

The board approved payment for the completion of the bike trail improvements between Glenwood and Villard. Mark Lee Excavating completed the project. The final payment of $3,620.59 was approved unanimously.

The extension office requested for the county to approve the additional hiring authority for the program coordinator for up to 1.0 full-time employee. The previous employee was at .85 FTE and with staffing shortages, the request is to make the position more appealing. The board approved unanimously.

The commissioners attended the AMC convention early last week and felt that several of the breakout sessions were very beneficial. There are two committee positions that will need to be filled including the extension committee and the Viking Library Systems committee. The HRA has an offer for their Bay Meadows property that is being considered. 

Commissioner Haggerty commented on the growth in the restaurant business with the new licensing that has occurred over the year. 

Bills and per diems were approved unanimously with no unusual activity or payments and the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is a work session on December 13.