Choir students perform in 31st annual Christmas Concert

Minnewaska Area High School choir students performed in the 31st annual Christmas Concert, Sunday, putting on two performances for the community in the high school auditorium.  

Taking part in the concert were the Concert Choir, 9th-10th grade Varsity Choir, 7th-8th grade Jr. High Choir, several Jazz Choirs, songs by all the choirs together, songs by Minnewaska Area soloists and even one song that included the Concert Choir and MAHS alumni.

The Concert, which included about 300 students from MAHS, was directed by Gordy Moeller with Diane Moeller and Nicole Meyer helping out as accompanists, David Moeller providing the narration and Heidi Polzin helping out with lights and sound.  The concert included a number of traditional holiday songs, along with some updated versions of holiday favorites.

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