Perfect ice for skating
News | Published on December 19, 2022 at 1:19pm CST

Glacial Hills Elementary students recently were able to spend a day on the ice of Lake Minnewaska with many thanks to local businesses and volunteers. “As part of our commitment to our kids as an environmentally focused school, we expose kids to outdoor recreational activities that can be enjoyed during the many seasons of Minnesota,” according to Glacial Hills Director Jodee Lund. “Last Friday, we took the kids skating on Lake Minnewaska. Although it snowed, our amazing community cleared a spot for our skaters. Casey Boutain made an additional area for our hockey kids. Water’s Edge opened their building to us to provide kids with hot cocoa, coloring and a place to warm up! Daniel Baumbarger, the local DNR conservation officer, led a quick lesson on ice safety. It was a perfect morning supported by our amazing community members and businesses,” Lund said.
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