Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on December 5, 2022 at 1:50pm CST
Unlawful sale of moonshine
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, Dec. 7, 1922.
Peder Brosvig arrested on the charge of selling moonshine.
One of those who have been instrumental in degrading this community by the unlawful sale of moonshine has come to grief for his action. The arrest was made by Sheriff Ness last Saturday on a warrant signed by a Hagstrom of Lowry. It appears that Brosvig sold this party a gallon of moonshine and was caught with the evidence. He was taken before Justice Reed and released on bonds. A hearing will be held the 15th of December.
Mr. Brosvig is a young man and an ex-serviceman. He comes from one of the best families in our city. Although he must blame himself for the trouble he in in, still he is not only to blame. The public in general is to blame. Moonshining has been going on for a long time. And the public sale has been absolutely indifferent to the sale of the deadly stuff. That fact has encouraged many to go into the moonshine business because there is so little money in other business and so much in the moonshine business.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, Dec. 7, 1922.
There are now nine radio sets either erected and installed or in process of being installed in Glenwood. E. E. Kaldahl has one in his home, as has Dr. J. Jeffers. Art Irgens has one in his store. George Liveringhouse has one in the Herald office and R. B. Sloan has one in the McCauley flats. Lee and Armstrong have one, Donald Fraelich has a homemade one as has Mr. Elsey and we have been told that one is being erected in the home of Mrs. And Mrs. E. E. Royster. There are very few places of the size of Glenwood that can boast of so many radios.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, Dec. 8, 1922.
We, the board of directors of the Farmers Mercantile Company of Starbuck, Minn., take pleasure in announcing that we have rented our grain elevator known as the Farmers Elevator of Starbuck to A. K. Moen of Starbuck who will operate said elevator in the future and it is our wish that the farmers in this vicinity give Mr. Moen their patronage.
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From the Cyrus Citizen Thursday, Dec. 7, 1922.
For the second time, Cyrus has won the state champion garden club, and three Cyrus boys, Clifford Hanse, Leonard and Lloyd Larson, left yesterday for the Twin Cities on a free trip given by the state garden clubs to members of the championship club.