A radio club to form

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, Dec. 14, 1922.

The oldest band in Pope County today is the Blue Mounds Pope County Band and it is one of the best known bands in the state. The reason this band lived on when others have fallen by the wayside is that the community which the band represents has always been willing to back the band up. To establish and to keep going a country band is no easy matter. The young people of Blue Mounds and vicinity have been practicing a play entitled “A Poor Married Man” which they will give at Lowry the evening of Wednesday, December 20. The Blue Mounds Pope County Band will furnish music during the evening. Between acts the Jupiter Jazz will entertain the audience. After the play, a dance will be given. 

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, Dec. 14, 1922.

Some of the Glenwood radio enthusiasts are beginning to talk about forming a radio club. What the aim of a club of this kind is we do not know, but that is the talk among the radio fans at this present time. All who are interested are asked to hand in their names. It does not matter whether you own a radio receiving set or not. 

Electric Photograph Studio is now ready for business updaters in the Webster Block, room 15. Come quick, get your photo taken by electric light. They are first class and cheap. Open every day.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, Dec. 15, 1922. 

The Gleanders club had their annuals sale of their sewing at the town hall last Friday afternoon in connection with the meeting of the Ladies Aid. The girls had on display a large number of pieces of fancy work, and the sale of these pieces and homemade candy netted them about $55.

There are about 15 girls in the Club ranging from 10-18 years. They have done all the work of making the articles sold, besides their regular school work, Sunday school and confirmation work which is certainly very creditable to them.

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From the Cyrus Citizen Thursday, Dec. 14, 1922. 

The annual supper served by the young Ladies Aid of the St. Petri Church turned out a success Tuesday evening. The total receipts for the evening was $108.