Rep. Anderson continues role as top Republican on ag. committee
News | Published on December 5, 2022 at 1:58pm CST
State Rep. Paul Anderson, R-Starbuck, has gained an appointment to continue serving as the lead Republican on the House Agriculture Finance and Policy Committee for the 2023-24 biennium.
Anderson, entering his eighth term, has been the top Republican on agriculture the last two years and has served related committees throughout his House tenure.
“I want to work with the DFL majority and try to provide balance to make sure Minnesota is not an island of burdensome, unnecessary regulations compared with other states,” Anderson said. “Minnesota is a powerhouse in ag production, and we need to do what we can to let farmers farm and continue doing the good job they do instead of the state making their work even harder than it already is. Another top priority of mine relates to the bird flue and providing funding necessary to combat the challenges it brings. We need to look at research to determine why this is becoming a year-round problem in our wild bird flock.”
The Legislature convenes Jan. 3 to start the 2023 session at the Capitol in St. Paul.