From December 20, 1912

Christmas comes but once a year, but Norby comes forever. And now I wish you all a good cheer , and hope you reach the lever, to start old Santa’s Aeroplane, to whirl in your direction, with things to sidetrack and plan, and make glad all the section. So Merry Xmas to you all, both young and old and big and small. I’ll come to see you when I can, Your, J.C. Norby, “The Watkins Man.” 

Ed Olson will eat Christmas turkey with his folks at Kensington.

The wind whispered the news of a wedding in Rolling Forks on Sunday. As we look, it is a reality. George and Harold Olson of Hoff furnished the music at the marriage reception of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sevalson. 

Esther and Melba Dahlquist and their “best” friends took in the Y.P.S. at the school house in District No. 3. 


From December 15, 1922

Funeral services for Ole E. Nelson were held at the Rolling Forks church, Rev. G.G. Beito officiating. Mr.  Nelson is survived by his wife, Anna, eight children, Edward, Irene, Benroy, Adolph, Laura, Olive, Blanche and Dina; one sister, Sarah Nelson; three brothers, Nels, Thodore and Albert Nelson.

The Blue Mounds Pope County Band will give a home talent play “A Poor Married Man” at Lowry on Dec. 20. The band will furnish music between acts. Among the young people who will take part are Leo Rorvig, Julius Engebretson, William Smedstad, Arthur Engebretson, Cora Smedstad, Hilma Halvorson, Hermina Haugen and Blanche Scheflo. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmer Frisell last week. 

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gorder on Dec. 14. 

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Olson was baptized on Sunday., Dec. 10 by Rev. G.O. Forde. She received the name Doris Hannah. 


From December 22, 1932

The weather man granted relief to this vicinity from the cold snap of last week. Thursday of last week the thermometer reached 22º below zero and hovered around this mark until Saturday when the temperature began to  moderate.  Tuesday and Wednesday turned out to be real mild with the thermometer climbing up above 40 degrees. 

The community Christmas tree was set up again last week in the square eat of the First National Bank. The tree this year was secured from the Engebret Braaten yard. It is decorated with 54 colored lights and has  a large star at the top. Eight Strings of colored lights were hung at the intersections in the business part of the village. All of these had wreaths in the center made by the ladies of the Legion Auxiliary and give the village a Christmassy appearance. The tree & lights were set up by Ed Bingham & John Overson.

Mrs. Erwin Wall is in the Hospital having had the misfortune of falling and breaking her leg in two places, the little bone below the knee and the large bone above the ankle, last Sunday. 

She was walking to her car after having spent the afternoon skating on the lake, when her foot caught in something causing her to fall. Mrs. John Wall of Winona arrived here on Monday.


From December 17, 1942

Five sons of Mr. and Mrs. Philemon Chan of Lowry are now in the United States Army. Victor is stationed in England, Fred in Arkansas, Oliver in South Dakota, Clarence in California and Philemon, For Snelling, recently inducted and unassigned. Their 6th son, David, who is home managing and operating the family business, is in Class 1-A and is subject to call.

Dear Santa; I want a doll. I want a Blackboard. I am eight years old in 3rd grade. I sure do like school this year. I sure do like the children. I want a color book. There are 16 in our school. I want a story book too, and some colored pictures in it too, and a little table. So goodbye, from Darlene Johanna Pochardt. 

Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a train – please bring me a sport car. I am a good little boy. I am six years old. I am in second grade. DeWayne Jackson.

Pvt. Palvin M. Lukken of Starbuck has graduated from an intensive course in aviation mechanics at Sheppard Field, Texas and is now proposed to blast the Axis. 

Ole Jergenson received a telegram from the War Department this morning saying that his son, Orville, a private in the infantry in New Guinea was slightly wounded in action on December 5th. 


From December 11, 1952

Miss Audrey Lagred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lagred of Swift Falls and Harold Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Jackson of Starbuck were married at the Rolling Forks Lutheran Church Nov. 12. 

Pvt. Eward Aaberg arrived home Friday evening from Baltimore, Maryland to spend a 13-day furlough with his parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Aaberg.

Although the Seattle rain washed out all the other Puget Sounday Semipro Baseball League games yesterday, Dewey Teigen found the weather in Everett excellent. Teigen pitched a no-hit, no-run game as the Queen Anne Commercial Club defeated the Everett Tackle Shop 3-0. The no-hitter was the first in Puget Sounday League this season. 

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hanson had their infant daughter baptized Carol Jean at the Fron Church Sunday. Te sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. August Hagen. 


From December 13, 1962

Pastor L.C. Anderson, former pastor of East and West Zion Lutheran congregations passed away Monday, December 10 a LaCrosse, Wisconsin. He is survived by his wife, Lorraine and five children; Luther, LeRoy, LuVerne , Lisa and Lowell. 

Marvin M. Martinson, a native of Starbuck , now residing in Alexandria, has been appointed general agent for the Franklin Life Insurance Company. 

Births: a son to Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Scott (Janet Sylvester) of Minneapolis Tuesday, December 11; a daughter, Beth Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirkwold of Anoka Tuesday, November 20; a son, Brian Arnold to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lundebrek (Carol Brown) on Friday, December 7; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hendrickson Thursday, December 6; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reese (Myra Sundheim) on Friday, December 7. 


From December 21, 1972

John R. Heggestad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Haggestad of Windom, recently was promoted to manager of the new Timken Co. Bearing Company in Gaffaney, South Carolina. 

Formerly he was plant manager of two plants in canton, Ohio where he now lives with his wife, Catherine, their sons and two daughters they plan to move to Gaffaney in Feb. 1973.

Lyle Foslien of Langhei Township was elected to the Pope County ASC Committee, Tuesday at the Annual County Convention.

Mr. Foslien will replace Oliver Nygaard of Blue Mounds Township whose term expires Jan. 1st. 

Two alternatives were also elected, each for one year terms. Allan Halls of Gilchrist Township was elected first alternate and James A. Berg of Barsness elected second alternate. 

The delegates also re-elected Walter Kittelson as chairman of the committee for the coming year and Lyle Foslien as vice chairman. Wayne Schumacher of Leven Twp. is the third member of the committee. 

Airman Robert A. Kalmoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kalmoe of Starbuck, has been assigned to Keesler ABF, Mississippi after completing Air Force basic training.

Airman Kalmoe is a 1970graduate of Starbuck High School and attended the university of Minnesota. The airman has been assigned to the Technical Training Center at Keesler for specialized training in the Armament Systems Field. 


From December 15, 1982

Bob Friesen, a Minnewaska township resident, suffered injuries, which his right leg got caught in the power take-off of his corn picker. He is presently in the intensive care unit at Douglas County Hospital. 

Guilherme Siqueria, an exchange student from Goiania, Brazil, arrived here Sept. 2 and will make his home with the Larry Noyes Family while he attends Starbuck High School until March.

Funeral services for Ellsworth B. Knutson, 64, retired band director of South St. Paul Junior High School, were held December 16th at Luther Memorial Church in South St. Paul. Mr. Knutson was at one time, band instructor at Starbuck High School. 

Mr. and Mrs. David Olson of Benson announced the birth of a son born December 13.

Ronald Barsness of Cyrus has been named Pope County Conservation Farmer of 1982.

Jeff Swartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swartz has been recognized for scholastic achievement for the fall quarter at St. Cloud state University. 


From December 9, 1992

Minnewaska Area High school Lakers Head Football Coach Steve Hill, was named West Central Conference South Coach-of-the-Year. 

A son, Eric Charles, was born to Tom and Gail Elbe of Lakewood, Wisconsin December 8, James and Edie Erickson are the grandparents. 

Kenneth DeWayne Lee, 58, Glenwood, has been charged with one count of criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree involving a juvenile that took place Sept. 27. 

Members of the Immanuel and Indherred Lutheran Church held a ribbon cutting ceremony Tuesday at their new office located next to Blok’s Barber Shop. 

Captains for the 1993 MAHS announced at the Fall Varsity Awards program last wee. They are Gabe Hausman , Steve Kreuger and Josh Majerus. 


From December 11, 2002

The Christmas Season began in Starbuck last week with the elementary school’s “Forever Christmas” program on Dec. 5. The program was led by Shari Opdahl and included performances by the elementary band led by Claire Hill. 

Over fifteen volunteers at CMST (Cyrus Math, Science and Technology) were busily baking for their 13th annual cookie bake fundraiser. Te group mixed, formed, baked, frosted, and decorated cookies on four evenings last week and on Thursday they sold thousands of dollars worth of cookies. 

The annual Armful of Love Christmas gift-and-food-giving program is now accepting donations throughout Pope County. Last, year 144 families received a bag of groceries which included a turkey, milk, bread, canned vegetables, cereal, cookies, baby carrots, apples, peanut butter, jelly and a bag of potatoes. Within those families 356 kids received gift donated from the community. 


From December 19, 2012

Not many people can say they have been in a movie, Starbuck resident Vern Fetterer can. 69 years go Vern Fetterer of Starbuck was given the silver spoon pictured in the Starbuck Times from the director of Christmas Holiday. 

At the December 10 Starbuck City Council meeting, the council approved setting the 2013 levy at $688,128. Mayor Steve Dinsmore said the city has a debt obligation of $230,000 so after that payment the general fund will be $473,000.