From December 27, 1912

A wedding reception was tendered Hannah Borstad and Arthur Lee at Lake Hazel Wednesday. 

Tom Dahl left last week for Albert Lea where he will visit friends and relatives for a week. 

E. Hanson of Rolling Forks and Mrs. M.P. Highum of Cyrus passed away the past week. 

Ed Olson ate Christmas turkey with his parents at Kensington.

A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Lattin Christmas morning.  


From December 29, 1922

A large and enthusiastic audience filled the town hall last Wednesday evening when Fron Y.P.S. was organized. Bernice Jorgenson played a piano solo, Mrs. O.V. Opheim a vocal solo, a song by two little boys, Morris Anderson and Sylvan Opheim was greatly enjoyed. Howell Skoglund spoke, tracing the history of the Christmas holiday and pointing out it’s significance. The following officers were elected for a term of three months: pres. Wm Smedstad, V. Pres., Edw. Olson, Sec., Caroline Thompson, treas., Marie Hagen. At the suggestion of Mrs. Carl Nelson, the dues were raised from 10¢ to 15¢ for women so they would pay the same as men. 

The choir of the Indherred church gave a cantata “The Nativity” last Wednesday afternoon. Solo parts were taken by Selma Ranum, Agnes Forde, Astrid Flack, Martin Ranum and Rev. G.O. Forde. The concert will be given again on the evening of New Years Day at Glenwood. 

Among those home for the holidays are Howell Skoglund from St. Olaf, Alice Hagen from Park region, Grace Kirkwold from the University and Bernice Jorgenson and Alma Tollefson from St. Cloud Normal.


From December 29, 1932

Miss Fern Lybeck , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lybeck of Cyrus, and Lester Smedstad of Starbuck , were united in marriage at the Indherred parsonage on Oct. 7 by Rev. G. O. Forde.

At the Dec. meeting of Starbuck Fire Department, ten honorary members were presented with a life-time fountain pen with their names engraved in the gold. The following members have served more than fifteen years : J.S. Skoglund, A.N. Thorstad, B.H. Holte, John Ingvarson, E.A. Wesen, C.N. Nelson, C.C. Heegard, John Overson, L. Brevig and Tilman Smedstad. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hoff on Monday. 

The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sanvik was christened at the Immanuel Church on Christmas Day by Rev. G.O. Forde. He received the name Willard Edward. 


From December 31, 1942

Funeral services for Mrs. Theo. Swenstad, 55, were held from West Zion Lutheran Church December 23. She is survived by her husband, Theodore and four sons, Marvin 16, Donald 15, Leonard 13 and Walter 12. 

Mrs. Sarah Berg and Martin Rye were married Wednesday evening, Dec. 23 at the Rye home. The couple will make their home in Starbuck. 

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sundheim are the parents of a 9 lb. daughter born Christmas Day at the Minnewaska Hospital. She was named Carol Ann. 

After Christmas Sale: Silk and cotton dresses at $5.95, $4.75 and $2.98. Sweaters $1.95, anklets15¢ and 10¢, stockings 98¢, woolen mittens and gloves at 59¢ and 39¢. Hagen Sisters. 


From December 18, 1952

Miss Marilyn Sylvester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sylvester of Starbuck and Robert DuBois of Duluth, MN were married at St. John’s Lutheran Church December 13. The couple will make their home in Cloquet , MN. 

Miss Agnes Byhre of Starbuck graduated from St. Cloud State Teachers College on December 4 and granted an associate in Education degree. 

Funeral services for George Gulsvig, 45, were held December 2 at the Lake Johanna Lutheran Church. He is survived by one sister, Rose (Mrs. Knut Braaten) of Rolling Forks and three brothers, Oscar, Julius, and Alvin, all of Minneapolis. 

Roger Jackson and Odin Barsness, Jr. helped Curtis Johnshoy celebrate his 4th birthday last Monday after school. 

Sylvia Brevig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brevig escaped injury Sunday night west of Russell Sylvesters when she lost control of the car, going over a bumpy road. The car rolled over the high bank, landing on it’s top. Unable to open the door, she rolled down the window, crawled out and went to the Sylvesters who took her home. 


From December 27, 1962

A Commissioning Service will be held at Fron Church on Dec. 30 for Rev. and Mrs. Paul V. Martinson, the missionary couple that Fron congregation is sponsoring. They will be leaving for Taiwan shortly after the first of the year. 

Funeral services were conducted for Rev. L. C. Anderson at the Calmar Lutheran Church at Calmar, Iowa on Dec. 15. Rev. Anderson served the East and West Zion churches for 6 1/2 years. He is survived by his wife and five children, his parents and one brother and one sister. 

A baby girl was born to Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Merrill of Albany on Dec. 24. Mrs. Merrill is the former Mary Andert of Starbuck. 

A baby boy way born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Billehus this week. 

Funeral services for Theodore Amundson were held at the East Zion Church on Dec. 18, Rev. Hoversten officiating. He is survived by his wife, Elaine, one son Maurice and one daughter, Mrs. William (Esther) Winger of Watertown, South Dakota, one brother Carl of Benson, and six grandchildren. 

The new county historical building will be constructed on a three acre plot of ground in the south part of Glenwood. The plot was donated by the city of Glenwood.


From December 28, 1972

The Minnewaska Lutheran Home in Starbuck was especially pleased this year as they were the recipients of a $10,000 check on Christmas Day, compliments of Mr. and Mrs. Howell Skoglund, Minneapolis. Mr. Skoglund’s mother, Ida Skoglund, 93 years old in January, has been a resident of the home for the past several years. 

Harvey Chlian of rural Glenwood was recently elected Worshipful Master of Valley Lodge, and he, with other officers at the lodge, will be installed at a special meeting on Friday, Dec. 29th. The other elected officers for 1973 are: Iver Aal, senior warden; Orrin Erickson, junior warden; Harry Anderson, treasurer; and Harold L. Eastlund, Secretary.

The Pope County Board of Commissioners have appointed James Jensen of Villard, to fill the Pope County Planning advisory Commission position that was recently vacated by the resignation of Granville Walburn.

The appointment will be for the remainder of the term which was until March of 1973.  


From December 29, 1982

Gary Allan Strickler was sentenced to 90 months at the St. Cloud Reformatory for the second degree murder of 11-month old Seth Torguson July 10. 

Funeral services of Sylvia Johnson were held December 15 in Minneapolis. She is survived by her husband, J. Kenneth Johnson; two daughters, Kristine Feidt and Julie Krogh; two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Merrill and Ruth Yarger and one brother, Howard Nelson.

Vic Vatthauer was re-elected chairman of the Minnewaska Dist. Hospital Board Wednesday night. Other officers elected were David Danielson, vice-chairman; Gordon Syverson, clerk; and Jeff Kuhn, treasurer. Retiring board members were Harrold Guderian , Wayne “Pete” Bright and Wayne Bouta. Newly elected board members were John Dahlseng, Sue Jeitz, Dick Engebretson and Gary Payne. 

Erick Danielson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raynold Danielson received a Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration and accounting with a minor in biology at Concordia College in Moorhead December 17.


From December 23, 1992

Interment services for Garfield Dokken, 76, were held at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran cemetery in Benson November 7. He is survived by his wife, Jonette; two sons, Jon Dokken and Randy Dokken of Benson and three daughters, Gretchen Hellie of Apple Valley, Nancy Dieter of Howard Lake and Lori Dokken of Minneapolis. 

Eric Doty and Michael Hoffmann, both of starbuck, were named to the Achievement List at Alexandria Technical College for the fall quarter. 

  Wayne Anderson was appointed to a four year term as Pope County’s new assessor December 22. 

Dorothy Moe retired after 30+ years of working for Pope County in the Court Administrator’s office. 

The Starbuck VFW donated $10,000 through their gambling operation this week for the Starbuck Airport Fund. 


From December 25, 2002

Student receives lessons in life and career in South Africa. After spending four months in South Africa, Bridget Beuckens gained a new appreciation for health care in the United States, while also finding the importance in traveling and experiencing new places and cultures. Beuckens is a senior at St. Ben’s University majoring in nursing. She studied in South Africa though a program in the Nursing school at St. Ben’s.

Debra Hacker, long time nurse at Minnewaska Lutheran Home, was recently named president of the Minnesota Board of Nursing. Hacker has been on the board for four years and previously held the position of vice president. 

Students at Rainbows and Rhymes presented their Christmas musical on Dec. 16. Pictured in the Times in left photo: Josh Troen, Carter Westberg, Maxwell Scott, Bayley Pooler and Hunter Blakeman. Pictured in the Times in the photo above: Taylor Amundson, Sarah Jackson, Nicholas Boots, Justin Amundson, Austin VerSteeg, Drew Opdahl, Courtney Erickson, Craig Spore, Dylan Swensrud, Chase Strickler, Brady Brecht, Andrew Troen, and Alicia Pederson. 


From Jan 2, 2013

Santa Surprises GHES Kindergartners. During the Glacial Hills Elementary school fall concert on December 20 Santa surprised the kids by showing up and handing out candy canes. 

MAHS hosted 10th annual talent show on December 20. Students and staff at Minnewaska Area High School kicked off vacation with style at the 10th Annual MAHS Talent and Variety Show. Male faculty and staff were awarded the 2012 People’s Choice Award for their performance of the “Highland Fling.” In solo category, first place went to Cole Mercier for a piano/vocal medley, second Celeste Rapp accompanied by Laura Schwendemann for a vocal solo and third to Rachel Stai for a vocal solo. In the group category, First place went to Cause for Concern (Connor Doebbert, Erin Hollinsworth, Jordan Strommen and Riley Terhaar) for a rock performance, second to Katie Haus, Kallan Mercier and Cole Mercier for a vocal trio and third to Peter Frischmon and trey DeJager for a multimedia accompanied vocal duet. Cups (Rachel Bakko, Bridget Opdahl, Laura Schwendemann and Celeste Rapp) received runner-up in the group category for their plastic sups percussion/vocal performance.