Down Memory Lane
News | Published on January 30, 2023 at 1:38pm CST
PTA invites parents to join students at school
Jan. 31, 1963 – An elderly Starbuck couple died as victims of carbon monoxide poisoning caused by a plugged chimney stack. Ice had formed around the metal cap on the tile chimney blocking the flue.
Milso Waalen, superintendent of the Glenwood fish hatchery, reported to the Tribune that he believed Lake Minnewaska led state lakes in the number of fish houses on the ice. Waalen counted 737 houses, a marked increase over the 666 of the previous year.
The Glenwood school board offered its faculty a 6.3 percent increase for the coming school year. This would increase the base salary for teachers from $4,000 to $4,100. Teachers with bachelor’s degrees would receive increases from $4,475 to $4,650.
Feb. 1, 1973 – A Westport farmer was recovering from injuries he suffered when he was thrown from his tractor as it was struck in dense fog by a car driven by a St. Cloud woman. Heavy fog and icy roads were reported to be the cause of several accidents in the county.
The number of fish houses on Lake Minnewaska was termed “normal” by employees of the fish hatchery. There were 503 houses on the lake, 51 under the count of the previous year. However, it was also above the 458 of 1969-70 and far above the record low of 369 in 1968-69. The number of houses reported in 1964-64 was a staggering 878. The Tribune reported that either ideal ice conditions existed or more hardy anglers were around in that winter.
Phyllis Christiansen was named Betty Crocker Homemaker of the Year at Glenwood High School. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Christiansen and would enter state competition next.
Feb. 3, 1983 – The Glenwood City Commission experienced a couple of “firsts” from as long a time as anybody at the meeting could remember. No one other than the commissioners and the mayor showed up at the meeting and the meeting only took 50 minutes. Commissioner Bruce Thorfinnson said, “Maybe we’re doing something right.”
The second two years of a water quality survey by the U.S. Geological Survey took on new meaning with the results of the first of the two years complete. Preliminary results indicated that seven of 13 Glenwood wells tested showed evidence of exceeding the level of 10 parts per million of nitrate nitrogen. The Nitrate test was just one of the several runs on local wells as part of the testing program.
Feb. 1, 1993 – Residents of Glenwood, Lowry, Starbuck and Villard school districts were to head to the polls again to vote on consolidating the three districts into one. This was to be the second consolidation vote for the districts; a previous vote failed when it was approved by the Starbuck and Villard districts but not by the Glenwood Lowry districts.
Over 1,300 had come to compete for $25,000 in prizes in the First Annual Lake Minnewaska Ice Fishing Contest. Ervin Krosch, of Morris, was pictured in the Tribune as the winner, with the winning Walleye proving to be worth $13,474. The 4.8 pound walleye won him a 1993 Chevy S-10 4×4 pickup.
The Glenwood Development Corporation (GDC) was offering a reward for tips on businesses which might be interested in relocating to Glenwood. Under the plan a person who provided the GDC with business name which was looking to move to a town the size of Glenwood would receive $5. If the name led to a meeting between the GDC or its staff and representatives of the company, the person would receive $50. If the firm moved to Glenwood the individual would receive $20 for each full-time job the business created.
Feb. 3, 2003 – County Engineer Brian Noetzelman may not have like to use the word “saved” when it came to the budgeted money his department avoided spending on snow removal so far, but any way it’s spun, Mother Nature’s cut Pope County one heck of a deal.
The third annual Vintage Snowmobile Rally and Show and Swap Meet was held Feb. 8 and 9 on Lake Minnewaska by the Lakeside Ballroom.
The event, sponsored by the Bonanza Valley Trail Blazers Snowmobile Club, included two days of events, including racing both days, a vintage trail ride, swap meet, race awards, vintage rally banquet, show, breaking fast and drag races.
Feb. 4, 2013 – Minnewaska PTA invites parents, adults to join their students at school. Back by popular demand, the Muffins with Mom and Donuts with Dad events will be held again this year at Minnewaska Area High School.
The St. Josephs Knights of Columbus located here in Glenwood donated $6,000 dollars to the newly constructed Kingdom Kids Child care Center. The center sought donations to assist in purchasing new playground equipment, commercial kitchen equipment and other major needs. Pictured in the Tribune are Knights Tanner Bailey and Nathaniel Seabrook, Kingdom Kids Financial Director Jeanette Rykhus and Children from the center.
The 50th annual Scout Fishing Derby, held in memory of Jim Stradtman, drew Scouts from all over the state to Lake Minnewaska last Saturday. Despite single-digit temps, the Scouts, their families and troop leaders fished, played games and stayed warm with snacks and hot chocolate. Scouts also took part in activities at the high school, including “bubble time” with scuba gear and a spaghetti supper.