Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on January 16, 2023 at 3:16pm CST
SHS Freshmen host sleigh ride party
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, Jan. 18, 1923.
The Glenwood Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Helbing, January 16th. European Art was taken up at this meeting and Mrs. Helbing, having traveled abroad, was able to give us a very fine and intimate discourse at the beginning and close of the program. Mrs. Grove gave a very interesting paper on the origin of Greek and Christian Art with good illustrations. Mrs. Smith’s paper was on the Progress of Art in the Last Four Hundred Years in the Netherlands and England, France and Italy, with splendid illustrations.
The rendition of “The Messiah” at the Lutheran church Sunday evening was a musical treat long to be remembered by Glenwood people. Hearty thanks and appreciation are due C.I. Wollan, Rev. Linnevold, and all the singers. Altogether, the capacity crowd enjoyed as good a rendition of this oratorio as is given in the cities.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, Jan. 18, 1923.
Grover C. Krapes is located in the basement of the Rogers Hotel. He makes rugs and carpets for a living. Mr. Krapes, as most people know, is blind. You will therefore confer a great favor to him if you bring your rags to him and have them made into rugs or carpet. He also weaves baskets.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, Jan. 19, 1923.
A sleigh ride party was given Monday evening under the management of the freshmen class. The faculty and some students from other classes were invited. When the party retuned, lunch was served at the school house. Everyone reported a good time.
O. L. Moen started working at G. A. Hagert’s harness shop last Monday. Mr. Hagert is pretty busy fixing up harnesses for the farmers in preparation for the spring work.
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From the Westport World, Thursday, Jan. 18, 1923.
The local Camp of the Modern Woodmen of America installed officers for the year 1923 last Friday evening. The following officers were installed Bert Fredrick, V.C.; Fran Hiner, Banker; A.C. Morse, Clerk; Herman Hesse, Escort; John Hesse, Watchman; O.A: Hatley, Sentry; George Smith and William Welch, Trustees. After the installing ceremonies were over, the Woodmen and their families and invited guests numbering well over 150 enjoyed an old time dance and social session, as well as a fine banquet about midnight.