School board conducts first meeting of ’23
News | Published on January 16, 2023 at 3:03pm CST
Ted Reichmann, Amanda Ogdahl and Justin Zavadil took their oath of office at a special organizational Minnewaska Area School Board meeting that took place last Monday. Reichmann and Zavadil were re-elected in November for school board positions. Ogdahl reclaimed a seat she had vacated when she became an employee of the school district.
The board then nominated officers for the year. Chad Barsness will again serve as chairperson, Ted Reichmann will serve as vice chairperson, Angie Reichmann will serve as clerk and Zach Lagred will serve as treasurer. All positions were voted unanimously.
The board will continue to meet on the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the district office with exceptions for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January 16), and President’s Day (February 20).
The Pope County Tribune was chosen as the official legal newspaper in a unanimous decision. Currently, the school lists all Pope County banks and the Minnesota Liquid Asset Fund as official depositories. Drew Olsonawski and Chip Rankin were approved to do electronic fund transfers for the district.
The school will use the government approved mileage rate of 62.5 cents for reimbursements. Salaries for school board members will remain the same with the chairperson receiving $500 and the clerk and treasurer receiving $150. All board members receive $50 for regular and special meetings and an additional $50 for all meetings over four hours.
Zavadil, Barsness and Holtberg were appointed to the personnel and negotiations committee. Barsness, Holtberg and Reichmann were appointed to the finance and facilities committee. Holtberg, A. Reichmann and Lagred were appointed to the curriculum and policy committee and A. Reichmann, Zavadil and Holtberg were appointed to the activities and public relations committee.
Superintendent Rankin was appointed as the Title I LEA representative and the administration was given authorization to contact legal counsel to deal with any legal issues as necessary and the meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting of the school board will take place on Monday, January 23 at 7 p.m. in the district office.