Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on January 23, 2023 at 1:32pm CST
From January 31, 1913
A very sad case was the death of Minnie Moe of Minnewaska last Friday morning. The cause of death is said to have been erysipelas poisoning. It started with a small sore on the bridge of her nose and it is said that this was from furs. This later worked and poisoned the blood which resulted in her death. Minnie Moe was the daughter of Mrs. L.K. Moe of Minnewaska. The funeral was held last Monday.
Nora Gorder entertained a small company of friends Friday evening. Those present enjoyed themselves ever so much.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Thorstad, a bouncing baby boy, yesterday morning.
George L. Briggs has been busy last week studying the beer question. He is figuring out the nutritive value of beer. We do not think that he will engage in the brewery business, for according to his figures which he takes from reliable authorities, there is little value in beer and it also contains poisonous ingredients.
Clifford Torguson has been absent from school for several days on account of the big head, caused by swelling of his lower jaw. Nothing serious though only a boil.
From January 26, 1923
High school notes: The Sr. class rank has been determined. Verna Erickson is valedictorian and Nellie Kleven is salutatorian.
The Johnson restaurant, which just started in business last week, has been closed and quarantined because Mrs. Levi Johnson and her five-year-old son, Vernon, are ill with diphtheria.
Last week some of the old stockholders of the Wells-Hanson Co. sold their stock, and the name of the corporation has been changed to Wells, Engebretson Co. J.P. Wells is president; A.W. Wells, vice president; and G.I. Engebretson, secretary and manager. Miss Clara Simonson is also one of the stockholders.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gorder was baptized Sunday at the Indherred church. He received the name Jacob Richard Dyrstad.
From January 26, 1933
Mrs. Iver J. Lee, wife of former state senator, Iver J. Lee of Barsness Township, died at her home on Wednesday morning. Funeral services will be held at the Barsness church, Rev. O.E. Barsness officiating. She is survived by her husband and the following children: Oliver, Walter, Winfred, Arnold, Oscar, Irwin, Cora, Mrs. Arthur Shore (Lila) and Mrs. George Hubbert.
Mrs. Alfred Patnaude, 29, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hustad of Starbuck, passed away in Minneapolis Monday evening, after child birth. Funeral services will be held on Friday at the Indherred church, Rev. G.O. Forde officiating. She is survived by her husband, her parents, one sister, Helen and three brothers, Oliver, Tegner and Edner.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Larson Friday morning.
Mrs. Laura Forde Giere of Minneapolis, together with Helen Cook, vocalist and Gladys Hubner, harpist, presented a program at the Schubert Theatre Thursday morning for the benefit of the Thursday Musical members.
From January 28, 1943
A new governmental order now bans the sale of sliced bread after Friday, January 15. Reasons for the new measure were given as a time and money saving feature. With the advent of sliceless bread, the extra wrapper usually found on the sliced loaves will be dispensed of and time required will be reduced. The Starbuck housewives received a lost art this past week when they sharpened their neglected bread knives and started to “slice their own.”
Miss Lillian Stadsvold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Stadsvold, became the bride of Rodney McConnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. O.S. McConnell of Stoughton, Wisconsin January 23 at Fron Church. The couple will make their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Funeral services for Selma Ranum, 55, were held from the Indherred Lutheran Church Tuesday. She is survived by her father, Andrew Ranum; three sisters, Mrs. L.E. Finstad, Mrs. Helen Ramstad and Ida Ranum, and one brother, Arthur Ranum.
A number of friends spent Monday afternoon at Syver Aabergs to help Melvin celebrate his 16th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rosby had their infant son, Richard James, baptized Tuesday evening by Rev. G.O. Forde. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Einarson of Morris and Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Rosby.
From January 22, 1953
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Branch received word recently that their son, Herbert, has arrived in the states after spending 18 months in Tokyo, Japan. He expects to receive a discharge soon.
Oliver C. Anderson purchased the East Side Cities Service Station in Benson Thursday and took possession the same day. Mr. Anderson has farmed near Farwell for many years. His wife, who is formerly from Starbuck, and their four children, Audrey 15, Karen 12, Gerald 9, and Lynn Marie, 4, will move to Benson as soon as housing is available.
Duane Banister, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Banister of Hancock, enlisted in the Signal Corp in November 1951. He received his basic training at Fort Riley, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dornfeld are now living in Minneapolis. Mrs. Dornfeld, the former Joan Hagert, resigned as teacher at Buffalo where they have made their home since their marriage.
From January 24, 1963
Blizzard conditions prevailed in the Starbuck area Saturday night and early Sunday morning as winds estimated at 50 miles per hour propelled new snow and dirt and brought travel to a stand still. Temperatures Saturday ranged from 20 below to a high of 2 degrees above zero.
Tammie Kay, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Vogt of St. Paul was baptized Sunday, Jan. 13. Her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sunde were sponsors.
A baby boy, Jeffery Keith, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Disrud of Minneapolis on January 9. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nali and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Disrud.
Francis Berhow, salesman for Hubbard Milling Company, moved his family here Saturday from Minnesota Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Berhow have four children, Bennett, Dick, Bruce and Judy.
Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Mrs. Emil Steen received word Friday that their brother, Walter Einarson, had passed away at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
From January 25, 1973
Ole and Roger Tollefson, Starbuck, had the high testing herd during December. Thirty-six Holsteins averaged 63.0 lbs. of milk and 2.4 lbs. of butterfat per cow per day.
The Rev. Wayne Mensing will be installed as pastor of Immanuel, Indherred and St. John’s Lutheran churches at special services to be held Sunday afternoon, January 28, 2 p.m. Rather than have installations at each church, there will be only the one which will be at the Indherred Lutheran church just north of Starbuck.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Anderson of Starbuck, Minn., were among the more than 400 farm couples who attended a national farm business conference in Honolulu, Hawaii last week, sponsored by Farm Wife News magazine.
From January 26, 1983
Clinton Overson, a Glenwood Township farmer, was found dead on a tract of land he owned January 20. It appeared Clinton had been cutting wood and attempted to pull a tree down with his tractor. The tree apparently knocked him off the tractor to the ground. .
Funeral services for William Smedstad, 81, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church January 18. He is survived by his wife, Maria; and four daughters, Olive Larson of Seattle, Washington, Ardis Burrington of Spokane, Washington, Carol Kleckner of Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Ruth Parsons of Blaine, Minnesota.
Debra Thomas and Wayne Rorvig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rorving of Starbuck were married in Phoenix, Arizona October 30. The couple will make their home in Glendale Arizona.
Becky Stoen, Brad MacRunnel, Paul Malenke and Darla Refsal have been named the 1983 edition of Who’s Who in Music.
From January 27, 1993
Martine Stadsvold of Starbuck is celebrating her 100th birthday today at the Minnewaska Lutheran Home where she is a resident.
Mayme Sabolik of Starbuck announced earlier this week that she has sold her cafe in Starbuck to her daughter-in-law, Lyn Sabolik and the cafe will now be known as Lyn’s Cafe.
Funeral services for Robert Boyd, 84, were held at Minnewaska Lutheran Church Jan. 19. He is survived by his wife, Clara and five children: Robert, Lance, Keith, Mary and Scott.
Starbuck Elementary Students-of-the-Month are Matt Fossen, Melanie Schwendemann, Theresa Beuckens, Kayla Noyes, Shana Danielson, Tony Disrud, Amber Aaberg, Doug Noyes, Josh Holten, Amy Baukol and Alissa Moore.
From January 22, 2003
The Red Cross blood drives held at Minnewaska Area High School and Sacred Heart Church in Glenwood likely saved a lot of lives. According to MAHS nurse Nancy Reichmann they surpassed their goal of 70 pints at the MAHS drive. She said towards the end of the drive about 80 pints had been donated.
Dawn Schroeder’s dedication to an organization that she loves has paid off. She was recently named the West Area Vice President of the Minnesota Jaycees. Schroeder has been a member of the Starbuck Jaycees since 1996 and her work was noticed by Bryan Heise, President of the Minnesota Jaycees.
The summer camping season at Glacial Lakes State Park could become a victim of budget cuts within the department of Natural Resources. Further cuts are being considered within the DNR because the Minnesota Legislature is attempting to balance its budget for 2003.
From January 30, 2013
Two ladies living under the same roof at Minnewaska Lutheran Home share a common familiarity, they both were war brides that came from France to the United States. Marie Van Dyke and Char Gonea both found their way to the United States after meeting their future husbands overseas during World War II.
Firefighter Dan Kvitek was presented with a plaque by fire chief Ken Weisel honoring Kvitek’s 35 years of service on the Lowry Fire Department.
Minnewaska joined nine other wrestling teams participating in the West Central Conference wrestling tournament on Saturday. The Lakers placed six wrestlers in the top six, including three runner-up spots and one first place finish, from Minnewaska freshman Brad Jacobs.