From February 7, 1913

An 8 lb. baby boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gorder Sunday morning.

Lewis Olson leased the Pillsbury Feed Mill and is doing a rushing business. 

Just as we were beginning to think that our farmers better begin to plant orange and banana orchards, the grizzly old King Frost appeared on deck to show us that he still had a little left of cold weather. This winter has, however, been splendid as we have not had more than about two weeks of what might be called cold weather, and then only for about a week at the time. 

Erick Sorum was taken very sick a week ago and yet he is in bed and conditions are very doubtful. 


From February 2, 1923

Funeral services will be held at the Indherred church on Monday for Mrs. Hagen Moe, Rev. G.O. Forde officiating. Mrs. Moe is survived by her husband and six children, Agnes, Herman, George, Alma, Helen and Clarice; her mother, Mrs. Peter Wieg; a sister, Mrs. Arne Gronberg; one brother, Ole Posten. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Lake last week. 

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Judin Stadsvold of Rolling Forks this week.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Tessem was baptized at the home of his grandparents on Thursday. He received the name Harris Vernon.

The Minnesota House has passed a bill forbidding the use of butterfat in the manufacture of Oleomargarine. Its final passage is sought by farmers in the legislature, especially those interested in the dairy industry. 


From February 2, 1933

Henry Ness, sheriff of Pope County, and Miss Palma Barsness, daughter of Mrs. Julia Barsness, were married Wednesday morning at the Fron parsonage, Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy officiating. They were attended by Anne and Raymond Barsness.

Members of the Starbuck Shipping Ass’n. held their annual meeting last Friday. Oluf Thopson and Carl C. Berg were both re-elected directors and O.W. Olson was re-hired as manager.

School notes: Grade 1, Norman Hoium, Hazel Larson, Allen Paul Norby, Ruth Olson, Charles Thompson and Clarice Westby were the health winners for January.

The following H. School Pupils are on the honor roll for the third six-weeks period, having received two or more As: Seniors: Arnold Berge, Geneva Larson, urness Larson, Lloyd Runquist; Juniors: Ebba Swenson, Clara Berg, Ruby Hanson; Soph: Edith Anderson, Lorrin Dahlager, Ella Forbord, Naomi Gorder, Margaret Larson, Eldred Nelson, Alice Norby, Florence Pederson, Dorvan Skoglund; Freshmen: Esther Amundson, Carol Anderson, Jyce Erickson, Bernice Hanson and Edner Hustad. 


From February 4, 1943

Miss Ruth Evelyn Dokken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.O. Dokken of Benson and Sgt. Milo Ellingson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellingson of Swift Falls, were married last Tuesday. Sgt. Ellingson returned to Camp Shelby, Mississippi Thursday and Mrs. Ellingson will remain in Benson for the present.

Pvt. Howard Teigen has been graduated from the Army Air Force Technical Training Command School for airplane mechanics. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lars Teigen of Starbuck. 

Little Sherman Thompson celebrated his first birthday Tuesday afternoon. 

An 8 lb. baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Braaten at the Minnewaska Hospital Monday morning. He is their fourth son.

Larry Curtis, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Johnson, was baptized by Rev. G.O. Forde Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. John Winge and Franklin and Gladys Smedstad. 

Herbert Norstsrom left on Saturday and Perry Berg on Tuesday for Jefferson Barracks, Mo. where they will become Army Aviation Cadets.


From January 29, 1953

Doreen Olson, who teaches school at Kulm, N.D., writes that she enjoys the Starbuck Times every week and she is kept pretty busy teaching 11 pupils in six grades. 

Bobbie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Nelson, celebrated his 3rd birthday Thursday afternoon, January 22. A lovely birthday cake, frosted in pink and decorated with three blue candles graced the center of the table. Bobbie received many useful gifts. 

A/2c Dean Gaarder, who has been home on a 30-day furlough left a week ago Tuesday for New York. From there he will go to Germany. 

Pvt. Gilbert L. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, who entered the service Dec. 4, 1952, is now stationed at Camp Breckenridge, Kentucky. He may go to Officers Training School when he completes his book training. 


From January 31, 1963

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stenson, both 78, were asphyxiated in their home on East Highway 28 Thursday. Ten inches of ice had formed around the metal cap of the chimney during the severe cold weather blocking the flue and trapping fumes from the oil heater. Funeral services were held at Fron Church Tuesday, January 27. They are survived by one son, Selmer, and his wife, Mildred, of Starbuck. 

A fish house count made on Lake Minnewaska January 14 indicated 734 houses. 

Selmer Nyhusmoen, 60, Langhei farmer, was awarded the “Star Farmer” award in absentia Tuesday evening at the Pope Soil and Water Conservation district first annual cooperators dinner meeting held in Glenwood. Selmer was unable to be present because he had suffered a heart attack recently and was hospitalized. 

Neighbors, relatives and friends helped Janet Aaberg celebrate her 5th birthday at the Julius Aaberg home Saturday afternoon. 

Mrs. Larry Kittelson entertained a few friends Thursday in honor of Shari’s 1st Birthday. 


From February 1, 1973

The Pope County Planning Advisory Commission met Thursday and heard two applications for permits for building. James Syverson requested a special permit for building on Nilson Lake in Gilchrist Township. After discussion of the variances of the code, the board voted approval of his application. 

One of Central Minnesota’s largest winter sporting events the 10th annual Scout Fishing Derby, is set for Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 3-4, on Lake Minnewaska, Glenwood. And for the second straight year, Girl Scouts from the Land of Lakes council, which includes girls from St. Cloud to Bemidji, have been invited to dip lines with their male counterparts.

The ladies of Fron ALCW have always been a “busy beaver” group. When it comes to lending a helping hand for a worthy cause, they dig right in and get the job done. An example of that is shown as the ladies are sewing blankets for Lutheran World Relief.     


From February 2, 1983

Steve Gorder assumed management of the Standard Lumber Co. February 1. He replaces Ken Davis, who has been manager since 1960, and will now work as an outside salesman for the company. 

Funeral services for Gregory B. Ferry, 68, of Benson, were held from St. Francis Catholic Church of Benson January 26. He is survived by his wife, Ella, four sons; James of Bradenton, Florida, John of Minneapolis, Charles of Jacksonville, Florida and Steven of Swift Falls, and three daughters; Mrs. Leigh (Jean) Edwards of Hopkins, Mary Ellen Gorder of Minneapolis and Mrs. Harvey (LeAnn) Chlian, Jr. of Starbuck. 

Connie Amundson of Kirkland, Washington received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in St. Paul Dec. 17. Connie is the daughter of Maurice and Audrey Amundson of Starbuck. 

Earl Larson was elected president of the Starbuck Chamber of Commerce at the January 31 meeting.   


From February 3, 1993

Mike Moen was the winner of a pontoon trailer and motor at the Lake Minnewaska Ice Fishing contest with his entry of a .53 pound perch. 

Funeral services for Eldon Lund, 76, were held at East Zion Lutheran Church January 15. He is survived by his wife, Bernadine; and five children; Frances of Oregon City, Oregon; Marilyn Anderson of Oregon City, Oregon; and Mark Lund of Edgemont, SD. 

Births: A son, Ethan Douglas to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lindeman of Burnsville January 20; a son, Ryker Christian to Mr. and Mrs. Steve Haeckel (Melissa Dahl) of Fergus Falls January 8.

Greg Kervliet, a 6th grader from Starbuck was named the Spelling Bee Champion at the District Spelling Bee Friday. 


From January 29, 2003

Starbuck Ambulance recorded a busy year during 2002. The ambulance was called 218 times compared with an annual average of 184 calls over its 13 year history. 

“No matter who we are, where we are, or what we do in life, everyone is important, and we can all make a difference. By working together for the common good, our ambitions can become realities, and they can change the world.” This is an excerpt from Rachael Dalhoff’s essay that won her second place at the state Voice of Democracy competition. 

The Western Pope County Hospital District board convened for the first time Wednesday night as the governing board for the newly created Minnewaska Regional Health System. On January 1, the Minnewaska District Hospital and Starbuck Clinic merged under the Minnewaska Regional Health System umbrella. With that merger, the Starbuck Clinic became the Minnewaska Medical Clinic.  


From February 6, 2013

This is the third year that Minnewaska Area Middle School fifth graders have an opportunity to enjoy learning about Minnesota’s aquatic resources through MinnAqua, a statewide angling and aquatic education program designed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Nancy Koep is again volunteering her time and expertise to visit with students, teaching MinnAqua classes over the course of eight weeks. 

MAHS Senior Sharaya Schwardt has been selected as a 2013 Horatio Alger Scholar, one of the most prestigious scholarship awards in the country. She also received $5,000, two gold portfolio awards, five gold awards, five silver awards and four merit awards in the MN Scholastic Art Awards Competition. She moves on  to the national level and it is highly likely she could earn a trip to New York or Washington and scholarship money. 

The Starbuck Fire Department was selected as the 2013 Grand Marshals at the Annual Starbuck Chamber meeting on February 2. The Chamber thanked Lori Vaadeland for her six years of service to the Chamber.