Dane Christensen was sworn into office on the Starbuck City Council on Monday, January 9, 2023.  Christensen, who ran unopposed in November of 2022, says he is excited and honored to begin serving as a city council member.  
“I believe I add a new perspective to the council,” said Christensen.  Christensen credits this perspective due to being relatively new to the community, young and a college graduate. His focus for Starbuck is to do more to improve family living.  “Our community possesses some wonderful assets such as the state park and lake; as a member of the city council I want to enhance not only these assets, but work on making Starbuck a place where young families want to live.”
Christensen is a 2012 graduate of the University of Minnesota Morris with Bachelor degrees in Philosophy and Anthropology.  He currently works for American Solutions as a business system analyst.  He and his wife, Brooke, along with their one-year-old daughter, Liv, reside in Starbuck.

The new year Starbuck City Council meeting rang in short and sweet.  The first meeting of the year was held on Monday, January 9, at the Starbuck Community Center.  Prior to the meeting Starbuck Clerk Joan Kerkvliet swore in Gary Swenson as mayor, Chris Taffe as council member and new council member, Dane Christensen.  

The regular council meeting began at 6:30 with a brief agenda.  Nick Koos from Widseth, Smith and Nolting updated the council on the rebuilding of the Starbuck Marina Lighthouse.  After speaking with the Department of Natural Resources, it was determined that the city’s shoreline ordinance must be followed or complete the proper procedures for a variance. No council decision has been made on the location of the new lighthouse, but it is the intention of the council to finalize the lighthouse blueprint and begin seeking bids.  

Starbuck Fire Chief Doug Noyes addressed the council next.  “The Relief Association is donating $2,500 for the purchase of five carbon dioxide gas monitors,” said Noyes.   

Noyes also requested the council approval the hiring of three firefighters – Coty Friedrichs, Dylan Swensrud and Emily Roering.  The council approved.

Water and waste superintendent Randy Peterson recommended the council adopt a minimum flat rate for contractors needing bulk water purchases for various projects. “I think the city should establish a minimum rate as well as have a prepay to those out of town contractors for ease of billing,” said Peterson.  The council asked Peterson to create a recommendation with the specifics and bring to the February council for consideration.

According to Peterson, a street light for the corner of Abercrombie Street and Second East Street has been approved by Xcel with no cost to the city.  “Xcel will use the existing pole install the light soon.”

Kerkvliet updated the council on the new financial computer system for the office.  “It has been challenging as the new system does not allow sharing among the computers in the office, but Tiffany is working very hard on the issue and is hoping to make it work,” said Kerkvliet.  “If we were to purchase a different system, how much would that cost?” asked council member Steve Gorder.  “That is petty spending,” said Kerkvliet, “but if I had to guess I would say somewhere between $8,000 to $10,000.” “Well, it might be money well spent if this is something you need,” said Gorder.  “I think we can wait and see, as I said Tiffany has been spending a lot of time on the issue, and I believe she can get it working,” replied Kerkvliet.  The new system, which comes from the state, costs $300.

With a Starbuck police officer going on leave, police chief Mitch Johnsrud requested overtime/call time pay as he covers.  “We have an officer who is going on leave and officer Johnsrud is asking for overtime,” said Mayor Swenson.  “Should we put a cap on the overtime?” asked Swenson.  “I think that would be difficult to do and we should pay the overtime,” said Gorder.  With no further discussion, the council approved.

In new business the council:

• Approved the annual appointments for the council members

• Approved the Rainbow Rider Contract for 2023