By Melanie Stegner

Several official appointments were made at last week’s Pope County board meeting. Commissioners Gordy Wagner and Mark Wildman were appointed members of the Central Minnesota Emergency Services Board. Wildman was also appointed to the West Central Initiative Economic Development Board. A citizen member is required for the Lakeland Mental Health Center board. Wagner brought forth Mary Walsh as the new appointee. Another appointment was amended as Commissioner Paul Gremmels was to serve on the Region 4 South board, but it conflicts with another committee he serves on, so Commissioner Larry Lindor will take over that spot.

A request was brought forth from the Pope County HRA/EDA for additional appropriations for the Fremad Area Site Redevelopment. The request was for the county to cover the immediate costs toward redevelopment of the site with the understanding that the general fund costs will be reimbursed by TIF proceeds if applicable or be designated as paid by ARPA funds. This request was for the portion required for funding the purchase of the Law Building in the amount of $181,540.70. This amount also includes a $5,000 fee paid to the City of Glenwood for the TIF application fee.

The board unanimously approved a conditional-use permit for Todd and Lisa Sloneker for location and construction of a non-farm residence on their 27.8-acre property located west of Starbuck in White Bear Lake Township. The permit will require that any proposed structure comply with the provisions of the Pope County Land Use Controls Ordinance unless a variance is granted. 

A requested tax and value abatement was granted to Darrel and Martha Kollman for a fire that occurred in their shop on May 19, 2022. They have been unable to live in their home due to damages incurred and the garage, shop and shed had to be rebuilt due to the fire.