From left are: MFBF President Dan Glessing, Tiffany Kobbermann of Pope County, and MFBF P&E Committee Chair Cindy Durheim.

The Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) recognized four leaders from across the state for their contributions to the organization and agriculture at its annual Leadership, Education, Advocacy and Promotion (LEAP) Conference, held Jan. 27-28 in Hinckley. 

The P&E Committee presented the Golden Apple Award to Tiffany Kobbermann of Pope County and the Advocate of the Year Award to Paula Mohr of Anoka County, it was announced.  

The Golden Apple Award is presented to someone who has gone above and beyond to work with Agriculture in the Classroom programs and educate others about farming and ranching. Kobbermann is passionate about Ag in the Classroom programs on every level, whether it is her work in her classroom or telling the story of agriculture through Farm Bureau. She was recently recognized by Minnesota Ag in the Classroom and National Ag in the Classroom as an outstanding educator.

The Advocate of the Year Award is presented to someone who works tirelessly to advocate for farmers and ranchers. An agriculture advocate to her core, Mohr devoted her career to telling stories that were of interest to Minnesota farmers and ranchers. Outside of her professional life, she continually promotes agriculture through her involvement in organizations such as MARL and Farm Bureau. She recently retired after serving 18 years as editor of The Farmer magazine.