By Kris Goracke


Replacing the Starbuck Marina Lighthouse was a topic at the recent Starbuck City Council monthly meeting. Widseth has been working on designs and with various departments on what is permitted in the rebuilding of the lighthouse. “We are at the point now,” said Mayor Gary Swenson, “where we need to set a budget and location to move forward.” The city has received $26,000 from insurance and another $26,000 from FEMA to help pay for the replacement. “I suggest we set a budget of $100,000,” said Swenson. “I believe the city can raise the rest of the money. The Minnewaska Lake Association has already stated they would donate money.” Larry Van Hout from Widseth asked if the budget of $100,000 was for the total project or just construction. “Just construction,” said Swenson.  

Next, the council discussed the location of the lighthouse. To build and locate the lighthouse in its original spot would cost $75,000. Of that $75,000, the city has $52,000 from insurance and FEMA. If the city chooses a different location, FEMA will not provide the $26,000. The city would need to raise $74,000 to meet its $100,000 construction budget. “We have a problem building the lighthouse at its original location, as that spot has been rented out to a camper, and they have already paid the 2023 fee,” said Swenson. “We could ask them nicely if they would be willing to move,” said council member Dane Christensen. After some discussion, the council voted on building the lighthouse on the south side, leaving the city to raise $74,000 for the cost of the construction. The mayor stated he was confident the city would raise the money as he has stated numerous times there will be no cost to the city for the rebuilding of the lighthouse.

Roger Aaberg appeared before the council with a proposal to adopt a park shelter. “The Starbuck Community Park has four picnic shelters and a bandshell that need regular maintenance and repairs,” said Aaberg. “This proposal is not intended to take the place of the city maintenance, but to help the city and to improve the overall care of the park buildings.” “I like that idea,” said council member Mary Baukol. “I am just here to propose the idea. It is up to the city if they want to move forward on it,” stated Aaberg. “I think it is a great idea,” said council member Steve Gorder. The council approved to have Aaberg move forward on the idea.

Concern about the fence line was the topic for Tom and Judy Cory. “Our neighbors’ fences are just 3 feet from the alley, whereas the ordinance states it must be a 10’ setback. Having these fences so close to the alley has made getting in and out of our garage very difficult. And then you add the snow, and our available room is even less. We want the city to look into this to see if the fences should be moved according to the ordinance,” said Tom Cory. “This is a matter for the planning and zoning committee,” said Swenson. “We will have planning and zoning review it and provide their recommendation to the council.”

Representatives from Mattheisen Disposal and West Central Sanitation came before the council to announce Mattheisen Disposal had been sold to West Central Sanitation. “At this time, we are anticipating no changes in our contract with the city. Garbage pickup days and costs will remain the same.

In other city business:

•Approved Resolution #2023-002 allowing the Starbuck Fire Department Auxiliary to hold a lawful gambling event at the community center for Meghan Chlian.

•Approved Resolution #2023-003 accepting a donation from the Starbuck Fire Department Relief Association for a five-gas monitor.

•Amended Resolution #2022-27-2023 Fee Schedule to change the bulk water fee to $50 per 100 gallons and to establish a mower rental fee of $60 per hour and a 621 Case Loader rate of $125 per hour for equipment used at the airport per state requirement for maintenance reimbursement.

•Approved a quit claim deed for selling 33.29 acres of city land to Ted and Denise Razink.

•Approved Resolution 2023-004 establishing Juneteenth (June 19) as a city holiday per Minn. Stat 645.44, Subd. 5.

•Discussed the possibility of applying for a DNR grant. Widseth would charge $10,000 to $15,000 to write the DNR grant. The city voted to decline.