The General Federated Woman’s Club (GFWC) Potpourri of Glenwood announced its new officer.  They are (from left) Jan Velde, Treasurer; Joann Boyle, Vice President; Cindy Krattenmaker, Secretary and Sandra Josephs, President. They are serving from 2022 – 2024 guiding members to address the needs of the community, to enrich members’ interests as well as carry out projects set by GFWC Minnesota and GFWC National presidents. All members make good things happen!  

To date, members have supported Someplace Safe and are studying teen trafficking. Members have become more knowledgeable of Barsness Park’s efforts to eradicate buckthorn; the automation of a large dairy operation; wood carving by Rich Anderson from Starbuck; and the life of Eleanor Roosevelt, as told by an impersonator. Environmental consciousness was reinforced by a speaker showing ways to use plastic bags; the result being a plan by members to learn and assist in making mats for the elderly and homeless using plastic bags. 

GFWC is a woman’s international service organization working to improve lives worldwide, and especially those in their communities. Its members work for legislation that helps families. Women who join a club have a local passion and a national voice! New members are welcome. Check out the GFWC of Pope Co Facebook or contact any of the officers above.